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The Case Against a Ceasefire with Hezbollah: A Jewish Perspective

People rush to a soccer field hit by a Hezbollah rocket in the majority-Druze northern Israeli town Majdal Shams Photo: Via 924, from social media used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah presents profound questions about security, morality, and the responsibilities of a nation bound by both historical and religious imperatives.

From a Jewish religious standpoint, the notion of a ceasefire with Hezbollah raises critical issues about the survival of the Jewish people and the imperative to protect the land of Israel.

The Torah teaches the importance of self-defense, and the protection of life. In Exodus 22:2-3, we read, “If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck so that he dies, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happens after sunrise, the defender is guilty of bloodshed.”

This verse underscores the principle that a person must act to protect themselves and their community. Hezbollah, an organization that openly declares its intention to destroy Israel and its citizens, embodies a direct threat to Jewish life and existence.

Throughout Jewish history, we have faced existential threats, and the Biblical narrative reflects this reality. The wars fought by the Israelites were often in response to direct aggression.

For example, in the Book of Joshua, the Israelites were commanded to engage in battles to secure their land against hostile nations (Joshua 1:6-9). This historical precedent emphasizes that the survival of the Jewish people often required military action against those who sought their annihilation.

Similarly, Hezbollah has shown its desire and willingness to kill Jews, and the people of Israel.

For decades, Hezbollah has engaged in acts of terror and violence against Israeli citizens. The organization, armed with advanced weaponry and trained militias, poses a continual risk to the Jewish State. A ceasefire would not eliminate this threat; instead, it would allow Hezbollah to regroup, rearm, and prepare for future aggression.

Ecclesiastes 3:8 reminds us, “A time for war, and a time for peace,” but it is crucial to recognize when peace is merely a facade for future conflict.

Judaism places a high value on the sanctity of life. The Talmud teaches that saving a single life is akin to saving the entire world (Sanhedrin 4:5). In the face of a persistent threat like Hezbollah, which targets civilians and undermines the security of the Israeli state, the imperative to act is reinforced.

Ceasing military action might result in greater loss of life in the long run, as Hezbollah could continue its assaults unimpeded.

The Jewish tradition stresses vigilance against threats. Proverbs 25:26 states, “Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked.”

Allowing Hezbollah to remain intact and capable contradicts the very essence of Jewish perseverance and survival. This is not merely a military strategy; it is a reflection of our commitment to ensuring a secure future for the Jewish people.

In light of the Biblical imperatives and the contemporary realities facing Israel, it is clear that a ceasefire with Hezbollah would be both a strategic error and a moral failing. The Jewish people have a responsibility to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction. As we reflect on our historical and religious texts, the call to protect innocent Jews remains paramount. We must continue to dismantle Hezbollah’s capabilities, ensuring that we can thrive in peace, security, and faith.

In the end, our commitment to survival is rooted not only in our desire for peace, but in our profound responsibility to protect the sanctity of life for all who call Israel home.

Darren Hollander is the Group CEO of Global Energy, based in South Africa and the United States.

The post The Case Against a Ceasefire with Hezbollah: A Jewish Perspective first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

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