Former Indian cricketer Robin Uthappa has been named captain of Team India for the Hong Kong Sixes 2024 tournament. On October 12, it was confirmed that Uthappa will lead a squad of former Indian stars, including the likes of Kedar Jadhav, Manoj Tiwary, and Stuart Binny, in the tournament that is set to take place from November 1 to 3 at the Tin Kwong Road Cricket Ground.
The Hong Kong Cricket Sixes, returning for the first time since 2017, will feature 12 nations competing in a fast-paced, condensed format of cricket. Each team will play six-a-side matches, showcasing a thrilling brand of cricket with shortened innings and more aggressive gameplay.
India and Pakistan have been drawn in Pool C, and the much-anticipated clash between the two rivals is scheduled for November 1. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) completes the group.
The tournament will follow a structured format with 12 group-stage matches, followed by six Bowl Matches and the quarterfinals. The semi-finals for both the plate and main draws will take place on November 3, leading to the Bowl Final, Plate Final, and the Cup Final on the same day.
Indian team for Hong Kong sixes tournament: Robin Uthappa (c), Kedar Jadhav, Stuart Binny, Manoj Tiwary, Shahbaaz Nadeem, Bharat Chipli, Shreevats Goswami (wk)
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