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‘I would never take this by itself’: Pharmacist reveals 3 supplements she would never take

A pharmacist on TikTok posted a video revealing three supplements she warns viewers to never take. She says there should be a warning label added to supplement bottles as a mistake can lead to dangerous consequences. 

Ariana Medizade (@thewellnesspharm) reached over 7,000 likes on her viral video so far. In the caption she wrote, “How to take supplements the right way. How to use supplements. Supplement information. Wellness tips for women. Supplement dos and don'ts. How to supplement properly. Supplements I would never take.”

In the 1-minute video, Medizade added an on-screen caption that urges viewers to “STOP MAKING THESE DANGEROUS SUPPLEMENT MISTAKES.” 

What are these dangerous supplement mistakes?

She says that as a pharmacist, there are three specific supplements that she would never take, even if someone begged her to take them. 

“There should be a warning label on supplements for this, but I would never vitamin D3 by itself,” she first explains. “You always have to take vitamin D3 with K2.” 

Medizade says that taking vitamin D3 without the addition of K2 can cause your body to absorb calcium in all of the wrong places, like your arteries instead of your bones. 

“This can lead to calcification and other long term health issues,” she continues. 

What are the benefits of taking vitamin D3 with K2?

“While vitamin D3 helps your body absorb more calcium, vitamin K2 helps your body transport it to your bones and teeth rather than letting it sit in your arteries and other soft tissues in your body,” Clover International Medicine states. Strengthening your bones and keeping your heart healthy can lower your risk of certain health issues, like osteoporosis and heart disease, the article states.

It can be tough to get these nutrients in your diet, because most don't eat one high in K2, according to CIM. Taking supplements of both of these minerals like Medizade suggests will help your body function properly. 

Medizade says that St. John's Wort is the next supplement to be wary of, “especially if you were on oral birth control pills,” or taking any other medication at the time. 

What is St. John's Wort?

St. John’s Wort is known a “CYP3A4 inducer,” she says. That's because it induces the metabolism of medications in your body. Using a CYP3A4 inducer while on a separate medication is “as if you never even took the medications in the first place,” she says.

MedSafe confirms that a few inducers of CYP3A4 include “phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampicin, St. John’s Wort and glucocorticoids.”

When combined with certain medications, St. John's Wort can sometimes be associated with "increased metabolism, breakthrough bleeding, follicle growth, and ovulation," according to ScienceDirect

“Women using OCs should be cautioned that St. John's Wort might interfere with contraceptive effectiveness,” the article states. 

Lastly, Medizade urges viewers to never take Zinc and Magnesium at the same time as the two minerals “compete for absorption” when taken together. “You’re just wasting your money,” she adds.

Taking multiple supplements at once

Health.com confirms that if one mineral is taken at a high dose, “the other supplement might not be absorbed as well.” However, “for most people, it’s safe to take magnesium and zinc together,” if you are using reasonable doses.

The article notes that “before you do, speak with a healthcare provider about the potential effect it could have with any other supplements or medications you may be taking.” 

Mild symptoms at lower doses could include "diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting,” the article states. This is unlikely to be much of an issue at low doses, but as  precaution, you may decide to separate their intake like Medizade suggests.

Medizade offers advice to anyone who chooses to take a supplement that combines zinc and magnesium. "Make sure it’s dose optimized,” she says. 

“Typically you’re looking for a 1 to 10 or 1 to 15 ratio,” she quickly adds.

According to researchers at Health.com, the ideal dosage of magnesium or zinc, “either alone or in combination,” may differ based on factors like your age, medical conditions, or how deficient you are in the minerals.

“You might want to consider taking them at different times,” they suggest. “Zinc and magnesium may interfere with each other’s absorption at high doses.”

@thewellnesspharm How to take supplements the right way. How to use supplements. Supplement information. Wellness tips for women. Supplement dos and donts. How to supplement properly. Supplements I would never take. #supplementsthatwork #howtotakesupplements #supplementsforwomen #wellnesstok ♬ original sound - Ariana Medizade

The Daily Dot reached out to request a comment from Medizade via email. 

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The post ‘I would never take this by itself’: Pharmacist reveals 3 supplements she would never take appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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