What is the meaning of the different colours of period blood? Menstrual blood flows out of the vagina at different speeds. It’s usually very quick at the start of a period and loses pace as the days go by. Blood that sticks around in the uterus for long enough reacts with oxygen (a process known as oxidization), which makes it appear darker.This means it’s normal to experience different menstrual blood colours at different times during your period. You might start with bright red blood on day 1 or 2, and then it could become a dark red on the heaviest days, before getting more brownish towards the end.Every colour has a meaning and a few may even warn you when something is wrong... we’ve got the lowdown.Bright red period bloodThough it may be horror movies’ favourite shade, there’s nothing scary about bright red blood when it comes to your period. It’s actually quite typical during the first few days of the menstrual cycle. That’s when your uterine lining is shedding faster and your pe...