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FOUR Big Brother housemates facing live eviction on Friday after savage final twist

FOUR Big Brother stars will face eviction this Friday after a series of savage twists.

And the unlucky few on the chopping block are Dean, Nathan, Ryan and Rosie.

Dean is up for eviction on Friday night
Rosie also faces the public vote[/caption]
Will Ryan get evicted on Friday?[/caption]
Nathan is on the block too[/caption]

On launch night, all housemates were given the change to choose whether to be on the red team or the blue team – unaware of what the colours meant.

At the end of the opening night, they were told that all the red team would be banished to storage and would be ‘non housemates’ – therefore facing eviction on Friday.

But as the week has progressed Big Brother has introduced a series of devilish games that allowed non-housemates to trade places with housemates – putting them up for eviction instead.

Last night Martha swapped places with Ryan and tonight the games continued.

The first head to head battle this evening saw Daze and Segun go up against each other in a bid to see who is the most loveable.

Daze was chosen by the non housemates as the ‘most loveable’ out of their group and she had to choose which housemate she thought was least loveable to battle it out against.

After picking Segun, a dog called Max was introduced to the house to make the decision.

In the garden, Rosie was tasked with standing on a paw print with Max, and the pooch had to decide whether to walk up to Daze and Segun first.

The dog chose Segun, which left Daze heading back to storage.

In the next challenge, a housemate and a non housemate had to decide who was most competitive. Thomas was named the most by the non housemates, and he chose Rosie as the least competitive to go up against.

Their challenge saw them take on the Dreaded Dare Cards, where they had to perform whatever dare was on their card to win the game.

Thomas won the game after being dared to put three non housemates personal photos through a shredder.

After going through with it – picking Ryan, Daze and Marcello‘s snaps to shred- Thomas became a housemate, sending Rosie – who was renamed ‘Baked Potato’ until further notice thanks to one of her dare cards – back to storage.

He was allowed to choose two non housemates to come back to the house with him.

He picked Sarah as she was struggling and Marcello because he was “his mate.”

In a savage final game, the remaining non housemates had one final chance to make it into the house and avoid being up for eviction.

Nathan, Ryan, Daze, Emma, Lily, Rosie and Dean all had to keep an arm in the air, with the last one to drop their arm getting a pass into the house.

Ryan, Nathan, Dean and Rosie were the first four to drop their hands.

Emma followed suit, and Lily was the last to drop, leaving Daze the winner.

But in yet another twist, Daze was allowed to choose two non-housemates to go into the house with her -and she picked Emma and Lily.


Big Brother 2024 cast

A brand new batch of Big Brother housemates are living it up in the famous compound.

Meet the cast of the 2024 series:

  • Rosie, 29, dental assistant from Cornwall.
  • Emma, 53, aesthetics business owner from Altrincham.
  • Segun, 25, charity videographer from Watford.
  • Nathan, 24, pork salesman from Dumfries.
  • Daze, 24, climate activist from London.
  • Khaled, 23, sales manager from Manchester.
  • Martha, 26, NHS administrator from Scarborough.
  • Lily, 20, Chinese takeaway server from Warrington.
  • Ali, 30, Forensic psychologist from London.
  • Thomas, 20 amputee footballer from Carlisle.
  • Ryan, 28, marketing and events from Stockport.
  • Hannah, 24, HR consultant from West London.
  • Izaaz, 29, sales consultant from London.
  • Sarah, 27, spa account manager from Shrewsbury.
  • Marcello, 34, youth mentor from East London.
  • Dean, 35, barber from East London

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