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Ryan Garcia gets vandalism charge dismissed, lecture from judge in L.A. court

LOS ANGELES — A judge dismissed Ryan Garcia’s misdemeanor charge of vandalism Tuesday, noting the boxer has made restitution to the Waldolf Astoria, the upscale Beverly Hills hotel that told police Garcia did more than $15,000 in damage, and that he has no criminal record.

Judge James P. Cooper III granted a civil compromise at the Airport Courthouse in dismissing the case over the objections of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office. He also lectured Garcia as the boxer stood next to his attorney, Michael Goldstein.

“Mr. Goldstein and I have seen athletes lose their money, very quickly, because people always want to be around you to party when you have the money,” Cooper said from the bench. “But when that money’s gone, your friends are no longer around and they no longer have their hands out because your money’s gone. And you can look at Mike Tyson. It happened to Muhammad Ali. It happens to a lot of people in your field. …

“Listen to Mr. Goldstein, listen to people who are older because we’ve been around the block a few times, OK? And we know what’s going on. So good luck, son.’’

Garcia, standing next to his attorney, said, “Thank you, your honor.”

In objecting to the judge’s decision to dismiss the case by civil compromise, deputy district attorney Eric Algorri said the vandalism involved luxury items at a luxury hotel.

The reported damages included a well-mounted TV, a refrigerator, two hallway sconce lights, a vase and a metal casing for a door hinge, according to Pamela J. Johnson, a public information specialist for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

But Cooper overruled the objection and explained his decision.

“By accepting the hotel’s representation that they received full compenstation and that they’re not seeking any further action, I am simply accelerating what would happen,” Cooper said. “The court is also mindful of the fact that the court issues a lot of restitution orders and I will say that 95 percent of them, the victim never receives satisfaction. And I think in this situation, where the defedant has made full restitution, in a weird sort of way he’s sort of shown a lot of remorse for what happened and I think he gets the benefit of his bargain.”

Outside the courtroom, Garcia told USA TODAY Sports, “I’m just thankful that we got a good result. And, yeah, just ready to get back on track and do better.’’

In objecting to the judge’s decision to dismiss the case by civil compromise, deputy district attorney Eric Algorri said the vandalism involved luxury items at a luxury hotel.

The reported damages included a well-mounted TV, a refrigerator, two hallway sconce lights, a vase and a metal casing for a door hinge, according to Pamela J. Johnson, a public information specialist for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

The embattled 26-year-old boxer is serving a one-year suspension for testing positive for a banned substance the day before and day of his fight against Devin Haney on April 20 in Brooklyn. On Sept. 27, citing the positive drug test, Haney sued Garcia for fraud, battery and breach of contract, according to a copy of the lawsuit.

The legal issue began June 8 when Garcia was arrested by the Beverly Hills Police Department at the Waldorf Astoria on a felony charge of vandalism.

“You had the Beverly Hills Police Department taking really good care of him,” said Garcia’s attorney, Michael Goldstein. “They were very professional, and we appreciated that.”

Goldstein stressed the positive impact Garcia making restitution and having no criminal record had on the judge’s decision. Another option was for Garcia to agree to pre-trial diversion. “But that would have just kicked the can down the road … The court didn’t want to hamper his ability to train and keeping something like this renting free space in his head. So I think now he’s free from this and he can pursue everything else he wants to do and he’s back on track.”

The District Attorney’s office decided to prosecute the case July 18 and reduced the charge to a misdemeanor.

On Aug. 8, Garcia pleaded not guilty during his arraignment.

This story originally published at USA TODAY Sports.

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