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Big Brother fans annoyed as contestants share big clue they’d already met before joining the show

BIG Brother fans have already shared their frustration after it was ‘revealed’ that two contestants already knew each other before the show.

The iconic reality TV series returned to ITV2 last night where 16 brand new housemates moved into the famous house during an epic live launch.

Emma Morgan appeared to know one of her fellow housemates[/caption]
She recognised Charlie from the auditions[/caption]
She gave him a hug as it was clear they had met before[/caption]

Fronted by AJ Odudu and Will Best, viewers watched as the lucky 16 strolled in one-by-one and seemingly met one another for the very first time.

However, it did not take long until it appeared that two of the new housemates had already met one another.

As 20-year-old Charlie, an amputee footballer, walked into the brightly-coloured house, it became clear that one of his co-stars knew exactly who he was.

Running over to give him a hug, 53-year-old Emma Morgan appeared to confirm they’d met before as she instantly revealed where they knew each other from.

Within seconds of his arrival, bubbly aesthetics business owner Emma declared to Charlie: “I saw you at the audition and I was like he’s going to get in the house!”

This revelation managed to get under the skin of many Big Brother viewers who were left fuming that the contestants were already recognising each other from the lengthy audition process.

It caused them to hit out on X – formerly Twitter – to question their past meeting.

One said online: “I saw you at auditions” so what you’re telling me is some of them have deffo already met #BBUK.” 

Another added: “The fact they all know each other from auditions??? literally why? #bbuk.”

Noticing the game had been given away, someone else posted: “Thomas and Emma saw each other at the auditions haha #BBUK.”

Before a fourth questioned: “They knew eachother from auditions ?? #BBUK.”

Emma already began to establish herself as a fan favourite after being the second person to walk into the newly-decorated house.

Viewers have also begun to work out where they knew the TV star from before she walked into the famous face.

Emma appeared in ITV soap opera Coronation Street just two years ago where she played the role of a nurse in Weatherfield General in a bid for fame.

Big Brother 2024 cast

A brand new batch of Big Brother housemates are living it up in the famous compound.

Meet the cast of the 2024 series:

  • Rosie, 29, dental assistant from Cornwall.
  • Emma, 53, aesthetics business owner from Altrincham.
  • Segun, 25, charity videographer from Watford.
  • Nathan, 24, pork salesman from Dumfries.
  • Daze, 24, climate activist from London.
  • Khaled, 23, sales manager from Manchester.
  • Martha, 26, NHS administrator from Scarborough.
  • Lily, 20, Chinese takeaway server from Warrington.
  • Ali, 30, Forensic psychologist from London.
  • Thomas, 20 amputee footballer from Carlisle.
  • Ryan, 28, marketing and events from Stockport.
  • Hannah, 24, HR consultant from West London.
  • Izaaz, 29, sales consultant from London.
  • Sarah, 27, spa account manager from Shrewsbury.
  • Marcello, 34, youth mentor from East London.
  • Dean, 35, barber from East London

She appeared in scenes when Tim Metcalfe was being supported by Aggie Bailey during his health scares.

In one scene she can be seen calling the character’s name as he’s supported by his friend Aggie at the medical centre.

Mint Casting, who Emma was signed to, previously praised her for making her cobbles debut.

Sharing a clip from the scene, they wrote: “Well done, to our Emma Morgan on tonight’s Corrie as the Nurse in the medical Centre.”

Meanwhile, Emma revealed she already has a plan for the money if she scoops the £100k on the reality TV show.

She explained: “My kids have already decided I need to give them five grand each. My dad who is 82, I think I owe him a few quid so I might pay back the loan.

“I would like to rent a big villa somewhere and get a dozen of my nearest and dearest and take us on a nice holiday.

“After that, I think I’m going to try and keep hold onto it and invest whatever I’ve got left after the kids have fleeced me. I’ve always fancied buying a little holiday home in Mexico.”

Charlie and Emma pointed at each other as they recognised each other’s faces
The house has a brand new line-up[/caption]

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