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Суд отправил проректора ПИМУ Вожика в СИЗО до 12 мая

Путин пригласил Николаса Мадуро в Москву на торжества по случаю 80-летия Победы

Страховщики назвали регионы с самыми безаварийными водителями в РФ

"КИБЕР КОРОЛЬ, БЕЛЫЙ БРАТ, ВОЖДЬ КРАСНОКОЖИХ" ЛИБО "СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН" МЕССИЯ? СЕНСАЦИЯ! Дональд Трамп, В.В. Путин. Новости. Россия, США, Европа могут улучшить отношения и здоровье общества?!

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Watch as Israeli special forces ‘storm Hezbollah terror tunnels in Lebanon’ before destroying ‘command centre & weapons’

THIS is the moment Israeli special forces storm a Hezbollah tunnel and find a command centre with weapons and a fridge.

Footage shows the IDF’s elite soldiers moving through the 250m-long tunnel before they destroyed it as part of their invasion.

IDF soldiers find a fridge with a winky face on the freezer[/caption]
The tunnels ran 250m, the IDF said[/caption]
Soldiers also found a living room section where Hezbollah fighters drank tea[/caption]
Hezbollah’s fridge was full of food, including desserts[/caption]

The tunnel was only 300m from and the border and did not cross into Israel.

The rooms in the underground hideout contain showers, a kitchen, and even a small relaxation spot with a tea kettle and a TV.

A fridge used by the terror soldiers filled with food even has a cute, smiling, wink face on the freezer door.

The IDF said the tunnels were found on the border during the cross-border attacks conducted by special forces over recent weeks.

It came after IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said Saturday forces had killed 440 Hezbollah fighters so far in their invasion of Lebanon.

But he warned Israel that Hamas could attack events being held to mark the October 7 anniversary.

Hagari said soldiers were “continuing to fight and operate in Lebanon” and two divisions are manoeuvring in urban and other terrains.

He added: “So far 2,000 Hezbollah targets have been destroyed,” he says.

“Our soldiers are collecting a lot of intel and many weapons from Hezbollah.”

He said troops recently raided a command and control centre belonging to Hezbollah and “completely destroyed it and were pushing Hezbollah further to the north”.

The IDF spokesman added that Hamas “may try to carry out attacks” on the anniversary of the 7 October attacks.

He said: “We assume that on the date of the anniversary they will try to carry out terrorist attacks against the home front command.

On plans to attack Iran he said: “We will respond in the manner and time and fashion in which we decide on.

It comes as…

“We need to respond with actions not words.”

Israel launched their ground offensive into Lebanon this week as they seek to cripple the Iran-backed terror group.

Iran responded to the invasion with a 180-missile barrage against Israel on Tuesday.

Fire lit up the sky across the country as the Iran’s rockets rained down and were intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome system.

AP:Associated Press
Hezbollah fighters parade in 2010[/caption]

Israel is now set to respond – with experts believing it could strike Iran’s oil facilities.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu slammed Iran for making a “big mistake” and threatened “it will pay for it”.

He warned: “There is also a deliberate and murderous hand behind this attack – it comes from Tehran.

“We will stand by the rule we established: whoever attacks us – we will attack him.”

Israel has continued with its airstrike campaign of Lebanon, with one million people in the country now displaced, its health ministry says.

Hezbollah has lost contact with Nasrallah’s cousin and closest aide Hashem Safieddine who was rumoured to be the group’s next leader, Reuters reported.

Compounds were hit on Friday and it remains unclear whether Safieddine was killed in the strikes.

Benjamin Netanyahu slams calls for arms embargo as 'shameful'

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu addressed his country tonight and slammed French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to call for an arms embargo today as “shameful”.

He said: “What a disgrace, let me tell you this: Israel will win with or without their support but their shame will continue long after the war has won.”

Netanyahu claims the war is defending “civilisation” against “barbarism” and “those who seek to impose a dark age of fanaticism on all of us”.

In a post on X today, Macron said: “There must be no war in Lebanon.

“We strongly urge Israel to stop the escalation in Lebanon, Hezbollah to cease firing towards Israel, and all those providing them with the means to do so to stop.”

Iranian rockets were launched at Israel[/caption]

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