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‘Treasonous’: Biden-Harris spend billions on illegals, leaving disaster fund to help Americans empty

President Joe Biden, joined by Vice President Kamala Harris (White House photo by Adam Schultz)

The Biden-Harris administration has orchestrated its open border practices to set up circumstances that are costing American taxpayers in the range of $150 billion to help aliens, millions of them illegally in America.

Per year.

And that’s left coffers dry when citizens, facing the loss of everything because of Hurricane Helene, need a hand up.

The anger over the decisions at the executive level in the federal government that allowed that situation to develop is more than simmering: Sometimes it’s erupting in outright rage.

It was Newsweek only months ago that estimated the “ongoing border crisis” under the Biden-Harris mismanagement was seeing 5,000 illegals released into the U.S. per day.

The costs? Estimated at $150.7 billion for just one year.

Now a member of the Biden-Harris team is pointing out, in a report in the Daily Caller News Foundation, that there’s no money left to help Americans hurt by Helene.

Specifically, the report noted Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas now is complaining to the public that the Federal Emergency Management Agency gave more than $1 billion for a special migrant help program over the last two years, and “now it is running out of cash for disaster relief.”

The report said Mayorkas’ department continues giving “humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants” even though resources are running short for Helene victims.

It was Kamala Harris who has just announced that the government will be coming to victims’ aid with checks … for $750.

Meanwhile, FEMA’s disbursements through a “Shelter and Services Program” show it is dishing out cash for “shelter, food, transportation, acute medical care and personal hygiene supplies” for illegals.

“Let’s go and point out the obvious which is that FEMA had utilized a large majority of the personnel who should be here taking care of this to be replaced or repurposed for immigration resettlement when we need to be focusing on Americans whether it be in Maui, Palestine, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, or Tennessee,” Republican Florida Rep. Cory Mills said.

That report charged that FEMA alone actually spent more than $363 million on migrants in just 2023.

But from Helene, so far, there have been reports of 191 fatalities and entire communities wiped out because of the destruction from the category 4 hurricane that came ashore just a week ago.

Damage estimates are beyond $35 billion.

Mayorkas now announced, “FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.”

The report noted under Biden-Harris, FEMA also has spent money on “climate resilience,” “racial justice trainings” and “diversity equity and including studies.”

The Blaze reported Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other officials now are demanding the Biden-Harris political machine put Americans first.

The report noted Joe Biden “has suggested that Congress might have to approve additional funding for disaster relief. While the DHS might soon enjoy another cash injection, critics have raised the matter of where the original funds went — realizing that much of it was blown helping illegal aliens who have stolen into the homeland under Mayorkas’ watch.”

The report said, “FEMA’s shelter and services program is a prime offender, providing financial support to non-federal entities to provide humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants following their release from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The intent is to support CBP in the safe, orderly and humane release of noncitizen migrants from short-term holding facilities.”

Abbott said the solution isn’t complicated.

“This is easy. Mayorkas and FEMA — immediately stop spending money on illegal immigration resettlement and redirect those funds to areas hit by the hurricane. Put Americans first”

And Rep. Tim Burchett, from Tennessee, which was hit hard by the storms, said, “FEMA spending over a billion dollars on illegals while they leave Americans stranded and without help is treasonous. U.S. citizens are dying. Pray for our country folks.”

“Let me translate: ‘We are racking up trillions in debt with all the money that our money printer prints that we then take back from law-abiding American citizens like you but we exist to spend it on anything other than helping you,'” explained Blaze News editor in chief Matthew Peterson.”

Chad Prather, who is host to a broadcast show, said, “We have a government that not only hates us but wants us dead.”

The rage was not even hidden any longer.

One man posted online a video in which he stated, “Kamala Harris, we don’t want you here … She’s gonna give the people in the mountains 750 f—— dollars? You can take that money and go wipe you’re a– with it!”

Another commenter said, “The anger simmering just beneath the surface in Americans is starting to reach a boiling point.”

Language warning for following video


One man’s online rant warns, “Kamala Harris, we don’t want you here. We don’t want your party here in North Carolina. If you’re a Democrat and you live in North Carolina, good for you. But this woman is given illegal immigration, Haitians, more rights to be entitled to be called American, thousands of dollars in food stamps, loads of money in their pockets, and she’s going to give the people in the mountains $750 dollars. You can take that money and go wipe you’re a– with it, Kamala! These people, if they choose to stay there and live and to rebuild, they really need government assistance. They really need the food stamps. They need the checks put in their checking account every f*—– two weeks so they can survive and provide for their families.”

The Gateway Pundit said, “FEMA will only give the suffering families $750. They blew too much money the past few years resettling Kamala’s illegal aliens. It should be clear by now that the Democrat Party does not care about American citizens. You’re on your own, North Carolina and Tennessee.”

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