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‘Is she a vampire?’ gasp Gwen Stefani fans who can’t believe her ‘real age’ as she celebrates milestone birthday

GWEN Stefani are convinced the star is superhuman as she showed off her ageless while celebrating her milestone birthday.

The Sweet Escape singer looked sensational as she marked her 55th birthday in a pink and black mini skirt and matching jacket.

Gwen Stefani fans are convinced the star never ages as she celebrated her 55th birthday[/caption]
The pop star stunned in denim shorts earlier this month
Gwen looking glam at the iHeartRadio Music Festival last month

Gwen flashed her toned pins in a pair of fishnet tights and black heels and put her toned abs on display in a crop top.

She appeared on The Jennifer Hudson show on Wednesday, but her youthful looks left many viewers distracted.

The songstress styled her blonde tresses in loose curls and added a pop of colour with some rouge lipstick.

Actress, singer and host Jennifer, 43, shared a clip of Gwen backstage as she made her way down the corridor while the crew cheered her on.

Wowing fans with her look, one wrote: “How is she in her 50s???”

A second replied: “For real! That’s what I kept thinking the whole time.”

A third said: “She is aging gracefully. 54 looks so stunning on her.”

A fourth posted: “Can we just talk about how this woman doesn’t age?”

“No way is she 55! Aging like the finest wine,” this person commented.

While another joked: “I’m convinced Gwen Stefani is a vampire, because how does she still look this good at 55.”

Earlier this month, she dazzled in a pair of denim hotpants on the release of her her latest track Somebody Else’s.

She also put on a showstopping look in a white frill dress alongside pop star Dua Lipa.

Gwen captioned it: “Got to hang with the prettiest girl in the world last night love you Dua.”

During her appearance on the talk show, Gwen opened up about her sweet relationship with Blake Shelton.

“The thing about Blake is that you’ll never get through a day without laughing,” Stefani said.

“You know what I mean? Which is just— it doesn’t even matter like what’s going on.

“The guy has so much patience, and so much kindness in his heart.”

“It just makes you happier every single day.”

Last week, Gwen hinted at exciting new career news with husband.

The Hollaback Girl singer confirmed the news on Instagram, sharing a first look at her album cover.

In the picture, Stefani is seen laying on a motel bed in a brown plaid suit and a cowboy hat, staring at the camera while holding a single long-stemmed white rose. 

Fittingly, the album will be called ‘Bouquet’, and seems to suggest she will be heading towards a more country sound for the new tracks. 

Alongside the cover, Stefani also shared the release date AND the tracklist, confirming the release will contain Purple Irises, a track she’s previously-released with her husband, country singer Blake Shelton. 

Alongside the snaps she wrote: “my fifth studio album, ‘Bouquet’, will be in full bloom on November 15th” 

She added the first single, ‘Somebody Else’s,’ will be available from tomorrow – leaving fans 

Stefani has never been afraid to shake up her sound throughout her career, becoming a household name in the 90s with rock band No Doubt.

Shooting to the top of the charts with songs including Don’t Speak and Just A Girl, she later branched out on her own to embrace a more RnB inspired sound, before leaning more towards Japanese-inspired imagery and pop. 

Through her four solo albums, songs including Hollaback Girl, What You Waiting For, Let Me Blow Your Mind (feat. Eve) and Sweet Escape (feat. Akon) have all entered the UK Top 10. 

Her last album, You Make It Feel Like Christmas, was festive themed and released in 2017. 

She’s also appeared on seven seasons of The Voice US, and will be returning to the show for the 2024 season, which starts next week. 

Gwen showed of her youthful looks next to Dua Lipa[/caption]

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