Anil Ambani, once ranked the sixth-richest person in the world, has faced dramatic ups and downs in his career, including declaring bankruptcy in 2020. Despite these financial challenges, he continues to live a life of luxury alongside his wife, former Bollywood actress and philanthropist Tina Munim. This article explores their extravagant lifestyle, featuring their lavish residence, private jet, luxury car collection, and their current net worth, offering insight into how they maintain their opulent way of life despite Anil’s financial struggles.
Anil Ambani, along with his family—including his mother Kokila Ben Ambani, wife Tina Munim Ambani, sons Jai Anmol Ambani and Jai Anshul Ambani, and daughter-in-law Krisha Shah—resides in a lavish 16,000-square-foot property named “Abode.” Located in the upscale Pali Hill area of Mumbai, this 17-storey residence showcases opulence and luxury, with its value estimated at around Rs 5,000 crore.
Designed with exquisite interiors curated by international designers, Abode features a range of high-end amenities such as a swimming pool, gym, helipad, and a lounge area displaying Ambani’s collection of luxury cars. Despite reports indicating that Anil Ambani once planned to extend the building’s height to 150 meters, permission constraints restricted the final height to 66 meters.
The property, acquired by Reliance in the early 2000s, also includes a rooftop helipad capable of accommodating multiple helicopters. While images of the interior are limited, occasional glimpses shared by Tina Ambani on social media reveal sophisticated glass wardrobes, white walls, and a carefully curated collection of artworks, reflecting the family’s refined taste and penchant for living extravagantly. Despite his financial setbacks, Ambani’s residence stands as a testament to his enduring commitment to a luxurious lifestyle.
The lush green garden surrounding Anil Ambani’s residence adds a serene ambiance to the luxurious property, enhanced by carefully placed lighting and the presence of the family’s beloved pets—Luna, Kublai, and Nova. There is also a temple within the house, featuring a prominent Ganesh idol.
In addition to being a family sanctuary, the Ambani residence also serves as the venue for intimate family gatherings, such as the wedding ceremony of Anil Ambani’s elder son, Jai Anmol Ambani, and Krisha Shah. The event took place at their Cuffe Parade house, with its tastefully decorated interiors reflecting simplicity and elegance, capturing the refined style that defines the Ambani family’s way of life.
Beyond his lavish lifestyle, Anil Ambani is renowned for his disciplined routine, punctuality, and deep reverence for spirituality. His associations with prominent personalities and dedication to fitness also contribute to his multifaceted persona.
Anil Ambani’s residence, Abode, is a reflection of this balance. Despite financial setbacks, the sprawling 17-storey property remains a symbol of opulence and elegance, representing his enduring penchant for a luxurious lifestyle.
Anil Ambani’s net worth
Despite encountering significant financial setbacks, Anil Ambani’s current net worth is reported to be approximately USD 29.9 million (Rs 249 crore), according to The Times of India. Additionally, the market value of his company is estimated at Rs 10,759 crore, as per GQ 2024 report.