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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Community Beat for 27 September

What's that you see? Is it a Condor? Is it an Archon? No, it's just Friday hitting; you like a gang of suspect Catalysts warping to you, but, on the upside, it also means it's time for a new Community Beat to read whilst that death animation plays out!

While contemplating what ship to pick next, have you ever considered the crew in the situation you put them in? THINK ABOUT THE FAMILIES ONBOARD! All those precious souls don't get to reclone back to their homes.. WELL, ANYWAY, did you know there's a tool to show you an estimated number of the total lives lost on ships you've lost versus ships you've destroyed? Not only that, but it hits you right in the heart by telling you some of the names of the lost people and their roles on board. Throw the URL into your Zkill STATS page and let the tool do the calculation.

Personally, if I were looking for a new ship to join the crew on, having a successful kill metric might be something many consider worthwhile. Still, the question should be, have you saved or destroyed more lives than you've lost.. right?!

Speaking of mass loss of baseliners, some ships with the largest crews (but also most considerable survival rates because they usually die so slowly) are Titans! We've seen a few alliances build the beautiful croissant crescent that is the Azariel, the Angel Cartel Titan, but as for the loss of one, we hadn't witnessed it yet.

Over in the system of K7D-II, Brave Collective was having a "Pirate Day", which usually results in a few acts of piracy and "Frienemy fire" occurring, but this time an Azariel was on the menu. So the first loss of this ship was piloted by a pilot from Brave.. and killed by Brave..? You know, a first is a first, even if it does seem like a beautiful work of art to lose - you can watch its final moments here:

Also, on firsts - back on 18 September, a series of officer Cruisers and Frigates started appearing all over the universe, dropping new officer swag. We were keenly watching for you all to encounter one of these, and one of the EVE Partners, Chaos1298, managed to kill one! Kindly reported by a member of his community, he acted on the intel fast, swept in and grabbed the kill! It wasn't without its high pulse moments either, with the officer burning straight towards him, another player coming in just as he was getting close to finishing off the officer before finally overshooting the wreck and enacting the ancient ritual of loot-and-scoot.

Chaos looting

Getting away with 2 of the new officer mods among a bundle of other loot, Chaos was nice enough to return the bulk of the loot to the person who reported the intel and kept a mod for himself. Nice!

Creatives Corner

Veteran EVE artist Lloyd George has been working on a Titanic art piece: painting a beautiful Erebus, which is well in tune for the tournament season and as it's coloured to match in the Alliance tournament organiser, the IGC's colours.

Being streamed over the last few weeks, we've been watching the progress of it over time - It is unusually very zen compared to the rest of the chaos of New Eden, but if you get a chance, we'd recommend dropping by on one of his streams and have a watch!

One of the other artists, Cpt Armarlio, does a lot of fantastic "Wireframe" type designs and drawings and Evifreyalp over on the EVE Discord in the #eve-art channel as well has been laser etching the designs into wood, which look incredible.

It's also always interesting to see when features get added to the game, and new sub-communities and professions are spun up. New roles occasionally get created in the universe - when we added SKINR for structures, the role of "Brand Manager" was created, making individuals responsible for the corp themes. But with SKINR, on an individual level there was different management involved, the role of "SKINR Artist" was spawned when people could start making their designs and entire skinlines. Offering varieties of skin designs, colours, and costs for their work, some even go so far as to spin up their marketing methods on social media platforms. We came across this one on Instagram:

Check them out over here - They go into a bunch of detail with each picture, showing multiple angles and then the design name if you're interested in picking it up!

Lastly, we finish up some lovely pictures from EVE North - It was shared over on EVE Discord by NeoShocker - it looks like it was a fantastic time:

EVE meets are always great for meeting like-minded space nerds worldwide, and we all have other common interests. How many of you play different games together in your community? I bet there's a D&D enjoyer or a board game enjoyer in there! We all secretly have stories we love sharing and hearing from other spacefriends about who we are or something we did. We regularly feature upcoming meets in the beat, so keep an eye out here for future meets where you could be having a blast like this group!

Until next time! Fly it like you stole it!


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