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Texas Supreme Court leaves State Fair’s gun ban in place

(AUSTIN) -- The Supreme Court of Texas on Thursday night denied Attorney General Ken Paxton's emergency filing seeking to overturn the State Fair of Texas’ policy banning all firearms from its fairgrounds. The fair is set to start Friday.

"It should go without saying—though perhaps it cannot be said often enough—that a judge’s role in this case is not to decide whether the State Fair made a wise decision. Our job, instead, is to decide whether Texas law allowed the State Fair to make the decision for itself. The State declines to take a position on that essential question but nevertheless asks this Court for an injunction overriding the State Fair’s decision," the court said in its ruling. "It should also go without saying that our answer, for now, must be no."

The ruling comes two days after a Dallas County District Court struck down a request from Paxton on the fair's gun policy. The District Court Judge agreed with State Fair officials that they could enforce a gun ban as a private nonprofit.

Paxton, who said hours later on social media that he would ask the state's Supreme Court to overturn the ban, has maintained that the fair's gun ban violates state law, which bars most government bodies from prohibiting weapons. State Fair officials say it has the right as a private nonprofit, and the city of Dallas says it has no role in the fair's gun policy.

Here’s what you need to know.

The background: Fair officials and law enforcement announced the policy change last month, roughly a year after a gunman opened fire at the fair, injuring three people. Officials also announced it will have security cameras at entrances and will not provide storage for larger bags.

A week after the policy change, several state lawmakers signed a petition pressuring State Fair officials to rescind it, saying the new policy makes the fair less safe.

Shortly after, Paxton sent fair officials and Dallas’ interim city manager a letter giving them 15 days to rescind the policy or else face legal action from his office.

Dallas owns Fair Park, where the 24-day event takes place annually, but State Fair of Texas, a nonprofit organization, operates the park and various city buildings and walkways within the property, per a 25-year agreement between the two entities.

A week before the Dallas District Court hearing, Paxton withdrew an eight-year-old legal opinion that allowed private nonprofits to ban guns on land they lease from a city.

After last week’s ruling by the Dallas County District Court, Paxton announced he would turn to the 15th Court of Appeals, a new state court lawmakers created last year to handle cases involving the state or businesses. Critics fear the court is an effort by Republicans to circumvent Democrat-dominated courts, while proponents say the court will increase efficiency.

Why Texas sued: Since Fair Park is owned by Dallas, the nonprofit's policy change violates state law, which allows licensed gun owners to carry in places owned or leased by governmental entities, unless otherwise prohibited by state law, according to Paxton’s lawsuit. Texas law establishes that schools and courtrooms are considered gun-free zones and allows others, such as amusement parks or educational institutions, to institute their own bans on firearms.

“Neither the City of Dallas nor the State Fair of Texas can infringe on Texans’ right to self-defense,” Paxton wrote in his statement announcing the lawsuit.

In his letter to the interim city manager, Paxton acknowledged that some buildings on the Fair Park premises, like the Cotton Bowl and other buildings used for scholastic events, are areas where guns are prohibited by state law.

“However, the entirety, or vast majority of the 277-acre Fair Park of Dallas is not a place where weapons are prohibited,” Paxton wrote.

What State Fair officials say: The city of Dallas disagreed with Paxton’s allegations, explaining that city officials weren’t involved in the State Fair's decision to enforce a gun ban.

“The State Fair of Texas is a private event operated and controlled by a private, nonprofit entity and not the City,” a Dallas spokesperson said in a statement.

Fair officials believe they could enforce a gun ban as a private nonprofit and are standing by their decision.

"The State Fair of Texas will continue to prioritize providing a safe and secure environment for our millions of fairgoers, as well as our staff, vendors, and volunteers,” Karissa Condoianis, a state fair spokesperson, has said. “As a private, not-for-profit organization leasing Fair Park for our annual State Fair, we believe we have the right to make this decision and maintain that it is the correct decision to protect the safety of our patrons.”

Broader impact: This is the first high-profile case for the newly established 15th Court of Appeals, the judges of which were appointed by Gov. Greg Abbott.

Tuesday’s ruling might cool some Democrats’ concerns that the court was created to secure more Republican-friendly decisions.

Additionally, Paxton's effort to block the State Fair gun ban adds to a long list of cases that his office pursues scrutinizing policy decisions from local governmental entities with more liberal-leaning leadership – voter registration, among the latest.

This article originally appeared in The Texas Tribune at www.texastribune.org. The Texas Tribune is a nonprofit, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans – and engages with them – about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues.

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