OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) - Fans looking to enjoy a safe and scenic trip to Dallas for the annual Red River Rivalry game between the University of Oklahoma and the University of Texas can now explore the options for travel on the Heartland Flyer's Big Game Train.
Tickets are now available for the Heartland Flyer's Big Game Train taking fans from Oklahoma City to Dallas ahead of the 2024 Red River Rivalry.
Amtrak and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation are offering football fans a chance to show their school spirit onboard the Big Game Train without the hassles of traffic concerns.
According to Amtrak officials, the Big Game Train is set to feature a sighseer lounge with floor to ceiling windows to give fans a scenic view to and from the game.
Tickets are now available for the Heartland Flyer's Big Game Train, Image courtesy AmtrakTickets are now available for the Heartland Flyer's Big Game Train, Image courtesy Amtrak
The Big Game Train leaves the Santa Fe Depot in Oklahoma City at 8:25 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 11 and arrives at 2 p.m. at Union Station in downtown Dallas.
Fans looking for a full day of fun can take the Flyer on Saturday Oct. 12 and arrive at Ft. Worth at 12:27 p.m. ahead of the 2:30 p.m.
The Heartland Flyer returns at a new time Saturday, Oct. 12 for fans going to the big game. The Flyer will leave Dallas’ Union Station at 8:15 p.m. and arrive in Oklahoma City at 1:47a.m.
Fans can join the game train at any of the stops in Norman, Purcell, Pauls Valley, Ardmore, Gainesville, Texas and Fort Worth.
If you are looking to experience the Sightseer lounge, Amtrak will be on deck from Oct. 10 through Oct. 16 in Oklahoma City or at any of the stops in Norman, Purcell, Pauls Valley, Ardmore, Gainesville, Texas and Fort Worth.
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