32-two-year-old Oshin Sharma, a Himachal Administrative Services (HAS) officer, has made headlines after being transferred without a designated posting. The abrupt transfer, which sparked debate on the internet, remains unexplained by senior Himachal Pradesh government officials. Despite growing outrage online, the Himachal administration has yet to clarify the reasons behind Sharma’s transfer or why no new posting has been assigned to her.
According to sources close to Mandi Deputy Commissioner’s office, Oshin Sharma’s abrupt transfer was on administrative grounds. The sources further claimed that her performance was unsatisfactory. Notably, no official statements have been issues yet, India Today reported.
Oshin Sharma has her presence on almost all the social media platforms and she also very active on these platforms. She has 1.9 lakh followers on X, 3.5 lakh followers on Instagram, 1.28 lakh followers on Facebook groups and 2.96 on Meta’s Facebook
Sharma took to X and shared a good bye post to the people of Mandi’s Sandhol, where she served as a Tehsildar. She wrote, “Time to say goodbye to Sandhol. The memories created here are lifelong. Thanks for your honor and love”.
It is worth noting that Sharma’s fan following and popularity on social media platforms may has contributed to her current plight as local politicians and senior officials were not happy with her increasing social media presence, accusing her of prioritising social media activities over her official duties.
Born into a Brahmin family within the tribal region of Bharmour in Chamba district, Oshin Sharma once shared her life with Vishal Nehria, a former BJP legislator. The pair, college buddies before anything else, embarked on a romantic journey that led to their marriage in April 2021. But their wedded bliss was marred by adversity. Oshin believes she was a victim of not just emotional, but physical cruelty at the hands of her ex-husband.
In the scorching summer of June 2021, Oshin Sharma became the focus of media attention. Just two months into her marriage to Vishal Nehria, then MLA of Dharamshala, she claimed she was subjected to relentless physical and mental torture. In an attempt to shed light on her plight, she shared a gut-wrenching 11-minute video recounting episodes of abuse. Here, she narrated that Nehria had slapped her in the presence of his family, alleging that abuse had plagued their relationship even before they tied the knot.
There’s word on the street about Sharma getting a show-cause notice because she’s not really meeting her job’s high expectations. People are saying her social media activities might be getting in the way of her work, causing important things to be put on hold. Yet, many locals still think of her as one of the most hardworking officials that Himachal Pradesh has, especially after all the good she’s done when it comes to social welfare, environmental concerns, and the Panchayati Yojana scheme.
“Locals from Mandi and Kangra districts, where Sharma worked, praised her dedication, particularly her efforts with Self Help Groups and Panchayat-related welfare initiatives. Some have even questioned whether the allegations against her are fueled by jealousy.”
On the 13th of September, Oshin Sharma wasn’t alone in experiencing a job shift; three other HAS officers named Ashray Sharma, Shikha, and Mohit Ratan were also given marching orders. But neither they nor Sharma have been appointed new duties yet. Meanwhile, Sharma’s transfer gained considerable attention over the internet, overshadowing the other officers’ similar situations.
Netizens are divided over her situation. Some have branded her as an official starved of social media attention, calling for her resignation. However, others defend her, viewing her as a victim of institutional envy and an object of attempts to curb her rising clout.