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US Foreign Policy Should Defy China, Recognize Taiwan as a Country

Image courtesy of the U.S. House Select Committee. Stand Up to China’s Bullying and Defend Taiwan, 2022.

The U.S., as the world’s most powerful country, should have an independent foreign policy. Currently, the U.S. abides by the One-China policy to appease Beijing.

The U.S. should no longer allow Beijing to dictate its foreign policy and should recognize the independence of Taiwan, a high-functioning, multi-party democracy whose citizens enjoy a high degree of freedom, education, and standard of living.

The U.S. needs to inform Xi Jinping that the U.S. and its allies will no longer allow China to dictate their relations with Taiwan.

One of the largest sticking points in U.S.-China relations is Beijing’s ongoing threat to capture Taiwan, a key U.S. ally in the Indo-Pacific region. While Taiwan is not officially recognized as a sovereign country by the U.S., it plays a critical role in American strategic interests.

Under the Taiwan Relations Act, the U.S. is committed to providing Taiwan with the means to defend itself. Preserving Taiwan’s de facto independence is crucial to maintaining regional stability and ensuring a rules-based international order.

If Taiwan were to fall to China, it would signal to authoritarian regimes globally that military force can be used to seize other nations without consequence, severely undermining global security.

Beyond its symbolic importance, Taiwan’s strategic location makes it vital for global trade. The Taiwan Strait, through which approximately 30-40% of the world’s containerized shipping passes, would come under Beijing’s control if China were to occupy Taiwan.

This would give China a significant advantage in controlling a major maritime trade route.

Moreover, China’s occupation would allow it to claim Taiwan’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), expanding its reach toward Japan and the Philippines, both of which are key U.S. allies already involved in territorial disputes with China. Such a shift in power would have severe implications for regional and global stability.

Another reason to recognize Taiwan as a foreign country is that, under the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, Taiwan meets the criteria for statehood.

The Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States was signed in 1933 during the Seventh International Conference of American States in Montevideo, Uruguay. The convention was primarily developed by Latin American states and the United States, and it defines a country by four key criteria:

  1. A permanent population,
  2. A defined territory,
  3. A government, and
  4. The capacity to enter into relations with other states.

Taiwan satisfies all of these requirements, as it has a stable population, clearly defined borders, a functioning government, and engages in unofficial diplomatic relations with numerous countries around the world. Thus, based on international law, Taiwan qualifies as a sovereign state.

Beyond the Montevideo Convention, Taiwan possesses several other attributes that not only qualify it as a country but also make it one of the most stable, affluent, and free nations in the world.

Taiwan is the 21st richest country by GDP, with a robust and stable economy that has consistently delivered a high standard of living for its citizens. It has its own currency, the New Taiwan Dollar, and a well-established government that operates as a multiparty democracy.

Taiwan is politically stable, having experienced no coups or civil wars in its modern history. Furthermore, Taiwan maintains a professional army capable of defending its sovereignty.

While Taiwan is not universally recognized as a country due to political pressures from China, it already has diplomatic relations with 12 countries, including the Holy See (Vatican State), and engages with the international community through its economic, political, and cultural influence.

Taiwan also holds membership in various international organizations, even if under alternative names, such as Chinese Taipei, further demonstrating its capacity to operate as an independent nation. These factors underscore Taiwan’s status as a fully functioning, sovereign state.

After years of the trade war and the steadily increasing tariffs and trade restrictions, recognition of Taiwan would send a clear message to Beijing that the U.S. will no longer tolerate China’s trade cheating, IP theft, espionage, and constant military threats.

Beyond addressing economic and military concerns, recognizing Taiwan would reaffirm the U.S.’s commitment to democratic values and the defense of free nations.

It would strengthen alliances across the Indo-Pacific, signaling to both allies and adversaries that the U.S. stands firm against authoritarian aggression.

Moreover, it would encourage other nations to resist China’s coercive tactics and empower Taiwan’s position on the global stage, further isolating China diplomatically.

Recognition of Taiwan is not just a symbolic move; it is a strategic decision that would reinforce global stability and uphold the principles of sovereignty and self-determination.”

The post US Foreign Policy Should Defy China, Recognize Taiwan as a Country appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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