Former Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Sunday said the Congress will form the next government in Haryana and warned criminals to either give up crime or leave the state before October 8, the day poll results will be out.
Addressing an election meeting in Assoda village here, Hooda said the aim of the Congress government will be to make Haryana "developed and safe".
"A Congress government is going to be formed in the state on October 8. Before that, either stop your criminal activities or leave Haryana," Hooda said in a warning to the criminals of the state.
"The aim of the Congress government will be to make Haryana developed and safe," he said and appealed to the people to vote for Congress candidate Rajendra Joon.
Hooda told the gathering that when the Congress returned to power in Haryana in 2005, it eradicated crime, and law and order was maintained for 10 years.
"Due to this, the state progressed, and Haryana became the number one state in the country in terms of ...