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I’m a mum & my £2.49 travel essential is a must have – it saves so much space so you can pack more clothes

A MUM has revealed a £2.49 travel essential which has meant that she has always been able to pack more clothes for her holiday.

She explained that her hack is now a game-changer for her and is great for those who are going on a lengthy holiday or long haul. 

A mum has revealed a ‘must have’ product that will help with packing[/caption]

The mum, who is anonymous, took to online forum Mumsnet to reveal her travel trick after another user asked for people’s best travel advice

They titled their post: “What’s your best travel tip and travel accessory?”

And then continued to write: “Random question but given I’ve had to cancel my trip to New York for a third time, I’m consoling myself by looking at travel accessories on Amazon and reading loads of trip reports on TripAdvisor. What’s yours?

And one mum was quick to give a detailed response. 

They wrote: “Roll up your knickers and put them into a ziplock bag. Squish all the air out and seal it to save space. Do the same for socks and bras.”

A Ziplock bag is a flexible, rectangular, plastic storage bag that can be sealed and opened many times.

They are also known as grip seal bags, resealable bags, and plastic seal bags and can be bought from eBay for £2.49, or Amazon. 

And they didn’t stop there with the advice. 

The anonymous mum wrote: “Pack mix-and-match outfits, plus something fabulous you’ll wear once.

“Pack plenty of shoes – you never know when you might need them!

“Bring flip-flops or sliders for the hotel room – I never walk barefoot in hotels (pukeface).

“Take an A4 wallet or envelope to keep all your paper souvenirs in (or is this just me? I always pick up paper maps, price lists of activities I’ve done, entrance tickets to places, etc.).

“Only if you don’t follow the KonMari method.”

What is the KonMari method?

The KonMari Method is a popular approach to decluttering and organising created by Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo. The method is detailed in her book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.”

Here are the key principles:

Tidy by Category, Not by Location: Instead of going room by room, the KonMari Method suggests organising by category (e.g., clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, sentimental items).

Follow the Right Order: Marie Kondo recommends following a specific order to help you effectively declutter:

  • Clothes
  • Books
  • Papers
  • Komono (miscellaneous items)
  • Sentimental items

Keep Only What Sparks Joy: The cornerstone of the KonMari Method is to keep only those items that “spark joy” or make you happy. Hold each item in your hands and ask yourself if it sparks joy. If it does, keep it; if not, thank it for its service and let it go.

Visualise Your Ideal Lifestyle: Before you start decluttering, take a moment to visualise the kind of life you want to live. This vision will guide your tidying process and help you make decisions about what to keep.

Respect Your Belongings: Treat your belongings with respect. This can involve simple actions like folding clothes neatly and storing items in a way that makes them easy to access and enjoy.

Commit to Tidying Up: The KonMari Method encourages a one-time, all-encompassing tidying event rather than a little-by-little approach. This helps create a more dramatic and lasting change.

The mum claims that using zip lock bags can help to squeeze everything in place[/caption]

The mum will also research places “extensively: looking at prices, options, discounts, times, off-the-beaten-track spots, Google Street View of the hotel and surroundings, restaurant reviews.”

The mum continues: “At least if we don’t do some things, we’ll save them for the next trip if we like the place.

“And don’t forget to take a book or Sudoku for downtime when you want to put your phone or camera down and just soak up the atmosphere.”

Time-saving mum hacks

Morning Routine

Nighttime Preparation: Set out clothes for yourself and the kids, pack lunches, and organise backpacks before bed.

Effortless Breakfasts: Keep simple, healthy breakfast options on hand, such as overnight oats, smoothie packs, or pre-made breakfast burritos.

Meal Planning

Weekly Meal Prep: Dedicate time each week to plan your meals to eliminate daily decision-making.

Bulk Cooking: Prepare larger quantities and freeze portions for future use.

Hands-Off Cooking: Make use of slow cookers or Instant Pots for easy, unattended meal prep.

Ready-to-Use Veggies: Purchase pre-chopped vegetables or chop them all at once to save time during the week.

Household Chores

Daily Laundry: Do a load of laundry every day to prevent a buildup of dirty clothes.

Continuous Cleaning: Encourage kids to clean up after themselves and perform small cleaning tasks throughout the day.

Efficient Multitasking: Fold laundry while watching TV or listen to audiobooks/podcasts while cleaning.


Family Command Centre: Set up a central hub with a calendar, to-do lists, and important documents.

Daily Decluttering: Spend a few minutes each day decluttering to maintain an organised home.

Organised Storage: Use bins and baskets to keep items neat and easy to locate.

Kid Management

Prepared Activity Bags: Have bags packed with essentials for various activities (e.g., swimming, sports).

Routine Visuals: Implement visual charts to help kids follow their routines independently.

Task Delegation: Assign age-appropriate chores to children to foster responsibility and reduce your workload.

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