Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday said the state assembly polls are expected to be held in the second week of November and seat-sharing among the ruling allies would be finalised in the next 8 to 10 days.
A two-phase poll would be preferable for the 288-member state assembly, Shinde said in an informal chat with mediapersons at his official residence 'Varsha' in Mumbai.
The Mahayuti government, comprising the Shiv Sena led by Shinde, BJP and the Ajit Pawar-headed NCP, was focusing on development and welfare measures and was getting good response from people, he said.
"Elections are likely in the second week of November. A two-phase election would be preferable. Merit and good strike rate will the criteria for seat-sharing among the Mahayuti allies," the CM said.
The seat-sharing will be finalised in 8 to 10 days, he added.
Shinde said he can see support for the government among women and asserted his was a government of the common man.
"We have struck a balance