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Professors fearmonger over abortion, insist ‘cannibalism’ coming


In a world where abortion advocates have frequently compared pregnancy to slavery, and claimed that protecting preborn children with pro-life laws will to a real-world ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ scenario, two professors are upping the ante. An Arizona State University event regarding abortion recently featured two professors who claim that “cannibalism” and “forced breeding camps” are in our future if pro-life laws continue to be instituted.

Jenny Irish, a poet and English professor, and Angela Lober, director of the Academy of Lactation Programs at ASU’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, had a one-hour discussion in which Lober said she “got into this space because the United States hates women and everything the female body does.” What an ironic statement from someone who supports the idea of killing a preborn child while he safely resides in the womb of his female mother — in a uterus uniquely purposed for gestating a human being.

Lober also argued that she is discouraging her children from having children, and said the decline in birth rates is a good thing — because the planet is overpopulated. Yet, ironically, the ASU events page states that Lober’s “research is focused on establishing lactation and breastfeeding as a public health imperative,” and that she “is dedicated to working for a better world for families” and is also “committed to education and mentorship as a means of uplifting and uniting the maternal-child nursing profession.” How, exactly, does one create a better world for families or better health for children by encouraging abortion?

In addition, many experts are now vigorously stating that underpopulation, not overpopulation, is the true threat. And killing human beings isn’t a moral or ethical way to prevent overpopulation or solve any other societal problem:

Irish, meanwhile, claimed that pro-life protections will lead society towards forced breeding camps and cannibalism due to lack of resources.

“So much of our reality points toward those futures,” Irish said, with Lober adding, “The balance between hope and despair is an everyday experience for me. A couple years ago I never thought Roe v. Wade would be overturned. How could we possibly do that?”

What’s interesting about these particular claims is that the same people who fear that women will be “forced” to “breed” either don’t know or don’t care that the original promoters of abortion in the U.S. were male population control advocates who believed that if legalizing abortion didn’t work to decrease population, then forced population control would be warranted and necessary. (Yet, forced population control, forced abortion, and sex-selective abortion haven’t benefitted China, which is now attempting to reverse the effects of decades of “one-child” propaganda to encourage families to have more babies as the country faces a looming threat of demographic collapse, like several other countries.)

Neither women nor children deserve to be treated as less than human. Allowing abortion (the intentional killing of a preborn child) has in turn allowed abuse and violence against women to thrive. Despite legalizing abortion under the misleading guise of “choice,” studies have found that 64% of women who had abortions felt pressured to abort; 67% said they received no counseling before the abortion, and 79% said they received no information about alternatives to abortion. They faced pressure from parents, boyfriends, employers, and friends to have an abortion.

If we want the world to stop “hating women and everything the female body” is capable of doing, then ending abortion should be a top priority. We cannot purport to love women and what their bodies can do, while on the other hand advocating for their precious children to be suctioned, dismembered, and poisoned to death in their wombs. Accepting abortion shows hatred for the fact that women’s bodies can grow more humans.

Devaluing human life, to the point of literally throwing it in the garbage, is far more likely to lead to a future like a horror movie or dystopian novel than protecting it.

[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Live Action News.]


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