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Royal expert says Prince William WON’T visit Harry for his 40th birthday, as time will be period of ‘reflection on what could have been’

A former royal butler has said that William and Kate will not visit him for his 40th birthday (Picture: Getty)

Prince William and Kate Middleton will not visit Harry for his 40th birthday, a former royal butler has said.

Prince Harry turns 40 on Sunday, but former royal Paul Burrell has said that William is unlikely to visit him following a longstanding feud between the two brothers.

Paul Burrell joined the royal household at Highgrove House in 1987 and acted as Princess Diana’s butler until she died in 1997.

Harry shocked the world in early 2020 when he announced he was stepping down from life as a senior royal with his wife Meghan Markle and moving to Los Angeles. This led to long-standing tension with his brother Prince William and Harry is also said to have a strained relationship with his father King Charles.

Kate Middleton stepped back from royal duties after she was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year (Picture: AFP)

Speaking on behalf of Slingo, Paul insists the fallout is so sad to see but that Harry is to blame for the tension as he celebrates a birthday away from his loved ones.

Burrell believes that Harry will have a private party with ‘celebrity friends’.

‘I believe Harry will have some kind of private party with his celebrity friends. But don’t expect to see pictures of William and Catherine attending Harry’s 40th because that is not going to happen.’

‘A 40th birthday is a milestone and a sure time of reflection for Harry. It’s halfway through his life and he’ll be reflecting on the past, on what’s happened and what is going to happen in the future.’

He added: ‘I think he’ll be reflecting on what could have been too. I’m sure that thought hits him on a daily basis. Life isn’t as elevated or grand as it used to be for Harry. His life had meaning and purpose and now he’s separated and divided from his family.’

Burrell believes that there is now no possibility of reconciliation between the two brothers.

‘There is no room for any reconciliation now. The royal family just doesn’t trust Harry. He’s worn away all the trust that they had in him.

Former royal butler Paul Burrell believes there is no chance of reconciliation between William and Harry (Picture: WireImage)

‘They can’t invite him back into the fold because they know that when he gets back to America, he’ll tell Meghan everything and then the rest of the world will know exactly what’s happening.

‘William doesn’t trust him and won’t let his brother back into his life. I think Harry is very sad about the situation but he’s done it to himself.’

Burrell believes that Princess Diana would not have allowed the situation to get so bad.

‘I don’t think any of this would have happened if Diana had been here, because she would have had her hand firmly on the tiller and she’d have been steering her boys in the right direction.

‘Her boys were her world to her, they meant more to her than anything else. She would have been in control of the situation.

‘Unfortunately, Harry was left adrift when Diana died, and no one took care of him as they should have. But the Royal Family are not very good at taking care of people. You just get on with it and you’re never nurtured. Harry was just a child, and he just had to get on with it.

‘If Diana hadn’t died, Harry wouldn’t be where he is now. It’s a very sad situation. I want to see it mended more than anyone but I think it’s too late now, which is sad.’

Kate stepped back from royal duties after her cancer diagnosis in March.

The Palace has been contacted for comment.

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