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Radical Abortion Activists are Spending $15 Million Attacking Trump in battleground States

A Democrat-aligned Super PAC is launching a multimillion-dollar pro-abortion ad campaign in battleground states, attacking former President Donald Trump’s pro-life record, despite his more recent pivots on abortion. American Bridge 21st Century dropped $15 million into ads that began airing Thursday in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, specifically targeting white women.

One ad, airing in Pennsylvania, features a nurse practitioner named Susan, who recounts, “I was at work when I heard that they had overturned Roe v. Wade, that that decision to have an abortion will no longer be a woman’s to make with her health care provider. It was a gut punch.” Susan continues, “Donald Trump seems dedicated to taking us backward. … He has no right to do this to us.” The ad closes on a black-and-white image of Trump’s back with the caption “We can’t go back.”

Another American Bridge ad, airing in Wisconsin, centers on an OBGYN named Anna, who shares that she herself has had an abortion. “Politicians like Donald Trump have no right to make that medical decision for me and my family,” Anna intones. She continues, “Kamala Harris believe that it’s women — and not politicians — who should be making their own health care decisions. She’s not going to stop until reproductive rights are restored.”

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Early this year, American Bridge announced plans to spend $140 million on ad campaigns bashing Trump, with a target audience of women and working-class voters. In May, the PAC launched a $25 million slate of ads again focused on abortion. Some of the same individuals featured in Thursday’s ads also featured in May’s. Discussing her abortion, Anna again said, “That’s not a decision for any politician, including Donald Trump. Women need access and should have access to all of their options.” In another ad, a nurse named Lori promoted abortion, saying, “Women’s health is essential to my daughter’s freedom, my granddaughter’s freedom. We’re already moving backwards. If we reelect Trump, what are women going to lose next?”

In comments to The Washington Stand, FRC Action Director Matt Carpenter said, “As we saw at the debate earlier this week, Vice President Harris cannot name a single limit on abortion that she would support. The Democratic Party’s agenda is elective abortion, on-demand, from the moment of conception up to birth, all on the taxpayer dime.” He added, “This position is wildly out of step with where the American people are, and yet it’s all she has to run on. After being in office for more than three years, Harris can only make empty promises about securing the border and bringing prices down for everyday items and housing.”

Carpenter continued, “This move to dump millions into ads on the abortion issue is nothing but a desperate attempt to gin up enthusiasm among Democrat base voters and sidestep altogether the concerns of hard-working Americans wondering how they’ll afford food and medicine in a potential Harris administration.”

Mary Szoch, director of the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council, told TWS, “Kamala Harris is committed to being the most pro-abortion president in the history of America.  Her goal is to get rid of the filibuster and enshrine abortion on demand through birth paid for by taxpayers into law.”

She continued, “She has completely ignored issues Americans are facing — even those she was specifically tasked to deal with like the crisis at the boarder — and instead, she has visited abortion facilities and gathered religious leaders, assuring them that killing a completely innocent child is consistent with belief in God. So, it make sense that her entire campaign plan centers around killing unborn babies.”

Last year, before President Joe Biden quit the presidential race, the Biden-Harris reelection campaign made abortion its top priority. Vice President Kamala Harris announced a nationwide abortion activism tour, including the first-ever vice presidential visit to an abortion facility, and Biden’s campaign managers made it clear that abortion tops the president’s list of concerns, even as inflation and immigration top American voters’ concerns.

Harris also joined Biden earlier this year to commemorate the now-defunct Roe v. Wade ruling. The Biden-Harris campaign launched a $1 million ad blitz targeting Arizona after the state’s supreme court greenlit a pre-Roe pro-life law, bolstered by pro-abortion ally California Governor Gavin Newsom’s (D) out-of-state ads, in the hopes that the Biden-Harris administration’s poor handling of inflation, economic issues, and illegal immigration might be forgotten in the fight over abortion.

Shortly before Biden handed the reins of his presidential campaign to Harris, a pro-abortion coalition — including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America), and others — sank nearly $150 million into efforts to shift the focus of the election from inflation and immigration to abortion. Since taking over the campaign, Harris has proven even more radical than Biden on abortion, selecting pro-abortion extremist Tim Walz (Democratic governor of Minnesota) as her running mate, pledging to undo over 1,300 pro-life protections across the country, and even calling pro-life protections “immoral.”

LifeNews Note: S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.

The post Radical Abortion Activists are Spending $15 Million Attacking Trump in battleground States appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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