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Dad of Umar Mahmood pays tribute after teen star from Freddie Flintoff’s BBC show Field of Dreams is killed in crash

THE dad of Umar Mahmood has paid tribute after the teen star of Freddie Flintoff’s show Field of Dreams was killed in a horror crash.

The 18-year-old died in hospital yesterday after he was seriously injured after the Audi A3 Sport he was in left the road and struck trees in Preston, Lancashire on Tuesday.

Penworth Priory Academy
Umar Mahmood, 18, died in hospital yesterday[/caption]
Freddie Flintoff is seen coaching Umar Mahmood in Field of Dreams[/caption]
Umar, right, was described by his school as a ‘bright’ and ‘studious’ pupil[/caption]

Umar’s dad, Shahid Mahmood, told MailOnline: “I am heartbroken. He was just a young lad. To lose my young son is terrible.”

Speaking at his terraced home in Preston, he added: “I am very sad. It is his funeral later today so I will go the mosque later.

“His mother is doing OK but we are very sad.”

Adam Bodi, 16, who was a back seat passenger, also suffered fatal injuries while a 17-year-old who was also in the car is still in hospital.

Police are investigating the cause of the tragedy.

Flintoff’s co-star Kyle Hogg has also paid tribute to the teenager, saying he was heartbroken by the deaths.

Kyle Hogg, shared the news of Umar’s passing on his Instagram story with a broken heart emoji.

Umar, a former pupil of Penwortham Priory Academy in Lancashire, appeared in the BBC show being coached by the England cricket legend.

The programme saw the former England all-rounder recruit teenagers from under privileged parts of Lancashire in an attempt to change people’s perspective of the sport.

Umar’s school paid tribute to a “bright” and “studious” pupil, saying he appeared in Freddie Flintoff’s Field of Dreams.

The statement said: “We are again saddened as a school to hear the news that Umar Mahmood, who was in the same accident as Adam, and who left Priory 2 years ago, has also passed away.

“Umar was a bright, studious and well-loved member of our school community.

“He had a passion for Geography as well as his cricket, playing for Priory’s school team and appearing in the BBC One documentary ‘Freddie Flintoff’s Field of Dreams’.

“It was a privilege for us here at Priory to know Umar.

“He was a young man who was always considerate to those around him and who showed ambition and kindness in all that he did.

“It is of course with great sadness that we hear this news. We give our sincere condolences to all of Umar’s family and friends on behalf of the school, at what will be a very difficult time.

“They too, are in our thoughts and prayers today.”

The school also paid tribute to Adam describing him as a “fantastic young man” who had a “fantastic sense of humour.”

They said: “Adam was an amazing pupil, of whom we have nothing but fantastic memories.

“He was popular, bright, confident and had a fantastic sense of humour alongside being a first-class footballer, who had been part of our football team here at Priory for five years.

“We know that the rest of his year group will be equally upset at losing one of their own.

“Adam was a fantastic young man, and he, his family and friends are very much in our thoughts and prayers.”

Filming is underway for the third series of Field of Dreams.

Sgt Paul McCurrie said: “This was a collision with tragic circumstances.

“Two young people have died, and I wish to extend my sympathy to their families, loved ones and friends.

“We are investigating how the collision happened, and we continue to ask for anyone who witnessed it to contact us.

“Also, if anyone was driving in the Chain Caul Lane area around the time of the collision and has dash cam footage, or they have CCTV footage from the area, please get in touch.”

The BBC said in a statement: “We are very saddened to hear the news of Umar’s passing and the thoughts of everyone in the Field Of Dreams team are with his family and friends at this difficult time.”

Several people have paid tribute to the teens, who are both from Preston, and said their thoughts are with their families and friends.

One person said: “This is devastating. Thinking of the families of those boys. You never expect your children to go out and never come home.”

Another commented: “So sad. Rest in peace both young men, my thoughts are with their families at this very sad time.”

The teenager had featured on an episode of Freddie Flintoff’s Field of Dreams (pictured: Flintoff)[/caption]
Police are investigating the cause of the tragedy[/caption]

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