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Spreading ant species in New York sparks warning across US as scientists fear invasion could devastate ecosystem

A SPREADING ant species in New York has sparked warning across the whole of the US as scientists fear an invasion could devastate the ecosystem.

The scary species was first spotted in the Big Apple in 2011 and has since settled and thrived – coining the nickname “ManhattAnt”.

Two Lasius emarginatus workers drinking sugar water in a leaf[/caption]
New York is being taken over by the ManhattAnts[/caption]

New research claims that the ManhattAnt is now looking to dominate the usual pavement ant and could take over as the top ant species in the city.

But the New York ant may not stay within the lines of the city and could spread further across the US.

Whole colonies of ants taking over in such a way can have devastating impacts on the ecosystem.

Experts are scrambling to carry out research to see how likely it may be that the ants threaten native plant and insect species – and are concerned.

It’s thought that the ManhattAnt are part of the Lasiu emarginatus species of ant from Europe.

Researchers initially found them in trees – but also all the way on sixth-floor balconies and inside buildings.

ManhattaAnt’s have adapted their diet in their concrete jungle environment and feed off other tree pests’ honeydew.

They also do well on smooth surfaces and forage day and night – no matter the weather.

Researchers also found that ManhattAnts terrifyingly dismember other ants on the pavement as the species looks to take over.

Professor Mariano Rodriguez-Cabal told NPR that the spread could badly harm local biodiversity.

He said: “We’re talking about a big, big issue here.

“It’s not like just a crazy ant running around Manhattan.”

One study published earlier this year explained how the species are settling in bizarre places which usual pavement ants wouldn’t typically do.

It read: “One colony of L. emarginatus was even found nesting in a small flower planter in the middle of Times Square far away from street trees or large ornamental plants that would typically serve as nesting habitat.

“Often, the only visual non-humans in Times Square are humans dressed as Disney animals and yet, hidden in this flower pot was a whole society of animal beings.”

It comes as New Yorker’s have slammed the city’s latest tool in the ongoing war against rats, saying it’ll only exacerbate the issue.

The New York City Parks Department rolled out new pizza box-shaped trash bins, a new weapon in its fight against litter.

NYC Parks Commissioner Sue Donoghue told ABC affiliate WABC-TV that the bins “can help us keep our shared public spaces clean by disposing of their boxes in these special receptacles, fighting the scourge of rats, and ensuring our greenspaces are litter-free.”

The new bins, which are decorated with a red-and-white checkerboard in homage to classic New York pizza shops, aren’t in every park just yet as officials have placed them in six select parks out of the city’s five boroughs.

The Parks Department hopes the bins will keep parks cleaner and keep the rats out of sight.

“Pizza Rat will find no quarter in city parks soon enough, thanks to these pizza-ready trash cans,” said Meera Joshi, Deputy Mayor for Operations.

“This is yet another creative way the Adams administration is improving quality of life for people, not pests.”

However, residents aren’t so hopeful.

Colony of Lasius emarginatus in a test tube which are taking over New York[/caption]
Researchers found ManhattAnts terrifyingly dismembering other ants on the pavement[/caption]

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