Senior Congress leader and former Punjab chief minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Friday said the 1984 "attack" on the Golden Temple was "wrong" and his party has apologised for it, even as he accused the BJP-RSS of exerting pressure on the government for the Army operation at the shrine.
Channi alleged that the BJP-RSS created an environment in the country that the Congress government of that time was not launching an attack on the "Akal Takht" and said while there might have been other reasons for the attack, one of the biggest among those was that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ran a movement and took out processions all over the country demanding action.
"For that, the BJP and the RSS should go to Sikhs and Harmandir Sahib and apologise," Channi said at a press conference at the All India Congress Committee (AICC) headquarters here.
Asked why Jagdish Tytler, who faces charges in the anti-Sikh riots case, has not been removed from the Congress, Channi said, "For the riots and t