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I hated my clinical bathroom but was quoted £5k for a reno – so I did it myself for more than 10x less using B&M buys

A CASH-SAVVY mum has wowed social media users with her epic bathroom makeover on a budget.

Facebook user Laura Buchanan, from Sproatley, Yorkshire, was quoted an eye-watering £5,000 to spruce up her ”clinical” bathroom – but managed to do it herself for a fraction of the astronomical sum.

One thrifty mum has wowed social media users with her epic bathroom reno using bargains from B&M and Amazon
Before the gorgeous makeover, Laura, from Yorkshire, said she could no longer bear to look at the cracked floor tiles[/caption]
Instead of forking out the eye-watering £5k the experts had quoted her, Laura did it all herself, spending just £400 in the process[/caption]

According to the money-smart mum, the original bathroom was basically like a hospital that ”had seen better days with broken/missing tiles”.

Not only was the floor ”awful” but Laure couldn’t bear looking ”at the yellowed grotty cupboards” that were attached by the cream coloured walls.

Although Laura had decorated the bathroom with a few bits and bobs, it was in a dire need of some TLC – but she was not willing to fork out a staggering £5k the experts had quoted her.

Instead, the thrifty DIY lover decided to be savvy about the transformation, especially as the family had already spent a fortune building and refurbishing their home.

”After a years worth of building and decorating the budget was gone so this refit definitely had to be done on a budget,” she told fellow members of the popular DIY on a Budget page.

”Was quoted around £5k but with a lot of patience and profanities I’m so happy with it.

”Felt so clinical before and had seen better days with broken/missing tiles, floor was awful and couldn’t look at the yellowed grotty cupboards.

”Now it feels cosy and inviting and can’t wait for my first long soak in the tub!” she chuckled in the caption.

Sharing the epic glow-up, the thrifty parent also revealed where she had bagged the purse-friendly buys, including B&M stick-and-peel tiles for the walls.

The bargain, cheap as chips, was advertised as being suited for floors – but savvy Laura had attached them to the dull walls instead.

The DIY lover had also spruced up the dull cupboards peel-and-stick film she’d purchased from eBay and created a fabulous feature wall by the wall using another bargain from the same retailer.

The once-cracked flooring was also zhuzhed up without even getting removed – all thanks to peel-and-stick floor tiles from the online giant Amazon.

All chuffed with the stunning reno, which also included a radiator from eBay, Laura proudly showed off the bathroom before and after the makeover.

Unsurprisingly, the results have taken the internet by storm, with the post racking up more than a whopping 160 likes.

10 DIY hacks for under £1 each

These simple and affordable DIY hacks can help you get creative while saving money

Homemade Air Freshener:

Mix baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Place it in a small jar with a perforated lid to keep your home smelling fresh.

Upcycled Tin Can Planters:

Clean and paint empty tin cans to use as stylish planters for herbs or small plants.

Custom Phone Stand:

Use a sturdy piece of cardboard or an old plastic credit card to create a custom phone stand. Decorate it with washi tape or paint.

DIY Lip Scrub:

Combine sugar and a bit of honey or coconut oil to make a natural lip scrub. Store in a small container.

Personalised Bookmarks:

Use old greeting cards or decorative paper to create unique bookmarks. Punch a hole at the top and add a ribbon for a finishing touch.

Decorative Mason Jars:

Paint or decoupage old mason jars to use as decorative vases, storage containers, or candle holders.

Easy Cable Organiser:

Use empty toilet paper rolls to organize cables and cords. Decorate the rolls with colorful paper or tape.

Magnetic Spice Jars:

Attach small magnets to the lids of small jars and stick them to a metal board or fridge for easy-access spice storage.

Handmade Coasters:

Cut out squares from old corkboard or felt and decorate them with paint or fabric to create custom coasters.

Natural All-Purpose Cleaner:

Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent. Use it to clean surfaces around your home.

One couldn’t believe the difference – and how little she had spent to take the bathroom from drab to fab.

”Wow that’s lovely. It’s amazing what you can do when on a budget.”

Another chimed in, inspired to give their home a makeover too.

”Amazing! I’ve been wondering for weeks now if it’s possible to put sticky floor tiles over tiles as they are bigger and cheaper to buy than the actual wall tiles, I’m going to go for it now seeing this.”

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