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Who is Sven-Goran Eriksson’s partner Yaniseth Alcides?

SVEN-GORAN ERIKSSON tragically passed away at age 76 after revealing that he had terminal pancreatic cancer.

By his side was his beloved partner Yaniseth Alcides, who said goodbye to Sven at his funeral.

Sven-Goran Eriksson with his beloved partner Yaniseth Alcides[/caption]

Yaniseth Alcides is a former dancer who hails from Panama, Central America.

She is best known for being the long-term partner of the late Sven-Goran Eriksson.

Yaniseth and Sven lived together in a sprawling property that overlooks Fryken lake near Sunne, in Värmland.

Speaking about their home, the late footy boss said in his Amazon Prime doc: “It’s a beautiful place. It makes me calm, below the mountain where my father grew up.”

Sven is best known for being the first foreign coach to manage the Three Lions.

He led England to the 2002 and 2006 World Cup and 2004 Euros quarter-finals.

Sven also coached various clubs including Manchester City and Leicester City during his managerial career.

In January 2024, he revealed he had pancreatic cancer and it was terminal

He told a Swedish radio station that he has “at best a year” to live.

Sadly, on August 26, 2024, Sven lost his health battle and passed away.Sven’s funeral was held on September 13, 2024.

Along with Yaniseth and his family, his ex partner Nancy Dell’Olio and David Beckham were amongst those paying their respects.

Love story

Yaniseth met Sven when he coached the Mexican national team after quitting England.

In his autobiography Sven, he described how he met Yaniseth while he was having a drink with a friend in Mexico City.

He said: “She said her name was Yaniseth and that she worked as a dancer a restaurant and nightclub not far away.

Sven-Goran and Yaniseth was seen attending a dinner in his honour in 2024[/caption]

“She invited me to come and watch her when she danced.”

Sven went on: “The next day I called Yaniseth and asked her over for dinner in my apartment. Pablo (homehelp) cooked the meal. Yaniseth was impressed.”

Nearly two decades together

Yaniseth and Sven were together for almost 16 years, after meeting in 2008. 

Their relationship lasted almost as long as his marriage to ex-wife Ann-Christine Pettersson, and was longer than his nine-year on/off romance with Nancy Dell’Olio.

Friends told the Mail that Sven’s children, Johan and Lina, are “extremely fond” of Yaniseth.

Yaniseth featured on Sven’s Amazon Prime documentary
Amazon Prime

Yaniseth opens up

Just a few days before Sven died, Yaniseth featured in her late partner’s self-titled Amazon Prime documentary.

The film chronicled the former footy bosses life, leading up to his cancer diagnosis.

During the doc, Yaniseth talked about life after Sven was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer.

She told the documentary: “I try to be calm for him because he is making a great effort.

“This year we turned 15 together. And I have hope that we will be together for many more years. I will not lose that hope.”

What is pancreatic cancer?

PANCREATIC cancer is the tenth most common type of cancer in the UK and the fifth highest cause of cancer death, according to CRUK.

The disease affects a large gland that is part of the digestive system – the pancreas is located behind the stomach and under the liver.

It has two main functions: dripping digestive enzymes into the gut to help break down food, and releasing the hormones insulin and glucagon to regulate blood sugar.

Pancreatic cancer occurs when malignant – cancerous – cells form in the tissues of the pancreas.

Five signs of the disease that could be mistaken for another condition, or niggle, include persistent stomach ache, backache, indigestion, unexplained weight loss and bowel habit changes.

Other symptoms that might be more obvious include jaundice, difficulty swallowing and vomiting.

Patients may also suffer the symptoms of diabetes because pancreatic disease stops the production of insulin

The causes of the disease are not exactly known but there are several risk factors that can make someone more likely to get the disease.

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