Shortly after Arvind Kejriwal was granted bail by the Supreme Court, AAP's Haryana unit chief Sushil Gupta on Friday said his party supremo will campaign in the state, where the people are looking for a change.
"We will now fight the polls with double energy. Kejriwal ji will soon start his campaign in Haryana," Gupta said as he hailed the Supreme Court decision granting bail to the Delhi chief minister.
Gupta, whose party is fighting the October 5 Assembly polls on its own, said the people are waiting to "oust" the BJP from power.
"Development has come to a standstill during the BJP's time. People are waiting for October 5 to oust them from power," he said.
He further said, "people are looking for a 'badlav' (change), they want to elect an honest government, which can ensure good education and health facilities, round-the-clock power supply and overall development".
"People want to bring the AAP to power and we will win the polls," Gupta told PTI.
The Supreme Court on Friday gra