Telangana Director General of Police Jitender on Friday held an emergency conference with the Commissioners of Police from Hyderabad, Cyberabad, and Rachakonda.The meeting aimed to address the law and order situation in the tri-commissionerates an official press release said.According to a police official, Jitender held a conference with the commissioners of police of Hyderabad, Cyberabad and Rachakonda in view of recent developments.The Director General of Police stressed that there should not be any compromise on the law and order situation in the Tri Commissionerates of Hyderabad.Anyone trying to disturb peace and law and order should be dealt with strictly as per law. There shall be Zero Tolerance against people trying to disturb the situation in Hyderabad and Telangana.The DGP appealed to all people not to take law into their own hands. Image of Telangana police be protected in all circumstances.The law and order situation escalated when several BRS leaders, including MLA Harish .