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A Tale of Two Countries in One Land

Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission

A Tale of Two Countries in One Land

Guest post by Jack Gleason – 9/11/24

Tuesday night’s “debate” between Donald Trump and his three opponents, Kamilla Harris, David Muir, and Linsey Davis, clearly shows that the United States has been divided into two countries, the sheeple programmed with Trump Derangement Syndrom and those who live in reality.

It was the best of times for the Left. Kamilla stood her ground and was able to fit in every debunked lie ever told about Donald Trump in under an hour.

It was the worst of times for those with common sense, as Trump was “fact-checked” in real-time by the ABC “moderators,” while Kamilla’s lies were ignored.

But Kamilla-the-Wolf’s biggest lie was to repeatedly claim she is “for the people.”

Those with TDS have been so convinced that Trump is “the devil with orange hair” they will accept ANY alternative, as they did with Dementia Joe and Cackling Kamilla. They have applauded the character assassination, the lawfare assassination and the actual assassination attempt in Butler.

But patriots vastly outnumber the sheeple and aren’t fooled by the media and search engines. The media regularly spread lies like Trump saying “there will be a blood-bath if he isn’t elected,” and when it’s pointed out that he was talking about the effect on the U.S. auto industry if the Democrats win in November, they generate another lie the next day.

Every new lawfare case against Trump is reported as “the greatest crime in history,” and when he is taken to trial under a corrupt judge and prosecutor, it’s breathless hourly updates – until it’s thrown out of court and immediately forgotten. The one case where Trump was found “guilty” was so contrived that Putin would have blushed at the “trial’s” audacity. Of course, Kamilla gleefully branded Trump as a “convicted felon” in the debate.

In reality, the overwhelming majority of Americans want freedom and opportunity. They see the horrible mess Biden and Harris have gotten us into over the last three and a half years – the high costs of food, gas and home loans. Many have taken second or third jobs, or are back to living with their parents because of sky-high rents.

Fifty thousand people wait ten hours to attend a Trump rally while Kamilla can’t get fifty people to attend a speech unless they are paid and bused in?

While the Left media reports national polls saying the race is “neck and neck,” the sheep don’t even understand the difference between “eligible voters,” “registered voters,” and “likely voters” and ignore that the race for president is decided by six or seven swing states.

The Democrats don’t have the numbers to win fairly, so they have to cheat on a massive scale. They are not “for the people” as they claim, they are for themselves in their obsession to hold power at all costs (and avoid prosecution for multiple crimes if Trump is elected.)

One crime in particular seems to pervade their strategy – identity theft.

They are stealing the identities of illegal immigrants by signing them up as voters when they apply for a driver license, or use a medical facility or government service.

Democrats have been caught stealing the identities of elderly Democrat donors and making tens of thousands of small donations in their names to skirt fundraising laws that limit large contributions.

And new Gateway Pundit report shows how Democrats are planning to steal identities of overseas voters using lax procedures to register new ones. In 2020 95% of UOCAVA ballots in Arizona went for Biden.

But the biggest crimes involve identity theft in state voter rolls.

Nonpartisan election integrity groups like United Sovereign Americans (USA) have analyzed copies of state data and have uncovered massive irregularities that allow votes to be counted for people who don’t exist. In 2020 and 2022, many voters came to the polls to be told they had already voted. Their identity was stolen by someone filling out an absentee ballot in their place.

In twenty states, USA has found 29 MILLION illegal voter registrations in the 2022 data. This is either identity theft or diluting the votes of real people by creating fake voters. Ten MILLION votes were cast by these “voters.” Two MILLION more votes were counted than the number of voters who voted.

They found MILLIONS of invalid addresses, duplicate registrations, altered registrations, incomplete or invalid registrations, and registrations that were filed too late to vote. They found tens of thousands of votes by dead people, those too young to vote, or over the age of 115.

These are not just “clerical errors,” but deliberate manipulation of federal infrastructure data. This is identity theft of such a massive scale that it has completely corrupted our elections.

United Sovereign Americans has filed federal lawsuits in nine states and is planning for more. They are demanding that state election officials follow existing laws that ensure the validity of every election.

But identity theft is not limited to just organized efforts by the Left. Lax signature verification laws have allowed millions of Americans to vote on behalf of others by filling out an absentee ballot in their name. A landmark Rasmussen poll from December of last year reported that

“21% of Likely U.S. voters who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election say they filled out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child.”

“Thirty percent (30%) of those surveyed said they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election. Nineteen percent (19%) of those who cast mail-in votes say a friend or family member filled out their ballot, in part or in full, on their behalf. Furthermore, 17% of mail-in voters say that in the 2020 election, they cast a ballot in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident. All of these practices are illegal, Heartland Institute officials noted.”

“The results of this survey are nothing short of stunning,” said Justin Haskins, director of the Socialism Research Center at the Heartland Institute. “For the past three years, Americans have repeatedly been told that the 2020 election was the most secure in history. But if this poll’s findings are reflective of reality, the exact opposite is true. This conclusion isn’t based on conspiracy theories or suspect evidence, but rather from the responses made directly by the voters themselves.”

How many more people cheated, but weren’t willing to admit that to a pollster?

Using COVID as an excuse, Democrats pushed absentee voting in many U.S. states and then systematically began to dismantle signature verification procedures.

Most other countries that have tried mail-in voting have abandoned it because of its potential for massive fraud.

The Democrats will do anything to remain in power and prevent Trump from exposing their crimes. The media and search engines will twist the truth to say the Left is the majority so they can claim the fake election results are real. Anyone who says otherwise becomes a target.

Is this the future you want for our country?

Support efforts of groups that are fighting to get these crimes in front of the Supreme Court. Demand that your legislators endure honest elections. Share the truth on X and through direct emails.

Be Lions, not Sheep!

Jack Gleason can be reached at jackgleason9@protonmail.com

The post A Tale of Two Countries in One Land appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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