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GREG GUTFELD: Expecting honesty from ABC is like expecting integrity from pond scum

So, as crime remains a major issue in the presidential election, American voters got to witness yet another felony firsthand. It was last night when you saw an entire network sneak up on a candidate and mug him. Instead of asking Trump to shake her hand at the start, Harris should have asked him to hand over his wallet, watch and phone. But ABC's blatant assault wasn't just on Trump, it was also an attack on you, the voter. Because last night, an entire network decided that their own politics were more important than answering the one question every unsure voter wanted answered: who the hell is Kamala Harris? 

The repulsive pair of moderators obliterated your right to know, denying the nation once again an honest election for our highest office. It truly was the first DEI debate where different standards were enforced on Trump, while Harris had none. Worse, the moderators' contempt for us is so total that they didn't care who saw it. But hey, what's your reputation as a news network when you got an election to sabotage? They now have less credibility than Hamas at a bar mitzvah. 

Now, I could go over all the times Trump was fact-checked by the moderators and Harris wasn't or how the host pressed Trump for multiple follow-ups, but didn't for Harris. But it's 10 p.m. and by now you've heard all that news. I swear if I hear three against one, one more time, I'm going to cancel my group massage with Hansen. It was clear that Linsey Davis and David Muir gave Kamala the easiest night she's had since Willie Brown ran out of Viagra.


Rather than a policy debate, we got ABC baiting Trump and Kamala piling on. It was designed to make Trump look bad and avoid forcing Harris to explain why she's flipped every position like she did burgers at her make-believe job at McDonald's. She lied at will without a single fact check, even trotting out the fine people, Project 2025 and bloodbath hoaxes. All three are provable lies, but nothing, nothing from Muir and Linsey, who might as well have been wearing Kamala 2024 hats. Muir's would've had to be a triple XL; the guy's head is like a microwave with a hairpiece. But perhaps the greatest unmatched question was how Kamala got to be on that stage in the first place.

How could the moderators not have asked her about why she hid Biden's dementia from the American people? It took Trump to ask her about who is actually running the country right now. What's scary is she didn't have an answer for that either. They didn't even bother with Kamala's newly posted policy agenda, a cut-and-paste job from Joe Biden's old campaign website. Wouldn't that seem relevant to a woman who kept repeating, I have a plan? It's clear. ABC f----- the American public. I would say hold your applause, but I know it's hard. They torpedoed the one opportunity for voters to see who Harris really was. And now there's no way that you can actually judge who won or lost the debate. 


It's like trying to guess the price of a painting once you know it's a forgery. And that's what this debate was – about as real as Rachel Levine's periods. The Dems could say they won, but the public lost. This was the one chance for America to see Harris unvarnished and ABC chose to varnish her. But you also gotta ask, why would Kamala risk trotting out all those debunked hoaxes? Because she knew the fix was in. They were going to run cover for her. It's kind of like me picking a fight at a bar with Tyrus by my side. Why worry? I'll sit back and drink the beer and then take credit for everything.

But you also gotta wonder why ABC would tank its reputation and spit on the American public to prop her up. They must know her campaign is in trouble, and that meant emergency surgery. But not on Kamala, on Trump. Make him look as ugly as possible, so she looks better. And his angry reaction is what they wanted. They created an ambush to elicit his rage. Then they could say, oh, look at his anger. It's like asking why are Brian Kilmeade's arms flailing as you try to drown him in a bathtub? 

He puts up a struggle. Meanwhile, you learn nothing of Harris as intended. This is as inflation is still double digits. Our border still doesn't exist, and our inner cities are descending into unlivable hellholes. You think two so-called journalists on a major network might have noticed, but expecting honesty from ABC is like expecting integrity from pond scum. Oh, same thing.

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