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This A-10 Pilot Warthog Spent More Than 4,000 Hours in the Cockpit

What You Need to Know and Key Points: Col. Ben Rudolphi, deputy commander of the U.S. Air Force's 23rd Wing, recently surpassed 4,000 flight hours, with over 3,300 logged flying the iconic A-10 Thunderbolt II.

-Known for its close air support (CAS) role, the A-10, or "Warthog," has been central to Rudolphi's career.

-Most military pilots log around 3,500 to 4,000 hours over 20 years, making Rudolphi’s achievement exceptional.

-He attributes his success to problem-solving and supporting ground troops.

-In addition to his flying, Rudolphi shares his experience by mentoring younger pilots, helping to carry on the A-10's legacy as the Air Force transitions to newer aircraft.

USAF Pilot Surpasses 4,000 Flight Hours, Mastering the A-10 Warthog

A United States Air Force aviator has spent more than 4,000 hours logged flying various aircraft, a notable accomplishment by any accounts. For Col. Ben Rudolphi, 23rd Wing deputy commander, the milestone is even more notable as many of those hours were as a close air support (CAS) pilot – where he flew such aircraft as the Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II.

Rudolphi has already spent the equivalent of around two years, working eight hours a day, in the cockpit.

Moreover, it should be noted that most military pilots in a 20-year career only accumulate around 3,500 to 4,000 hours, with most flying around 180 hours annually or about 15 hours per month. Rudolphi is clearly a cut above the rest.

"I truly enjoy flying," said Rudolphi. "When I get up above the earth and I can just look around and see the landscape, it’s always made me fascinated with aviation. I'm the guy who goes to the airport, boards the commercial jet airliner, and just stares out the window."

His "aviation journey" took off more than 20 years ago, when he began training in the cockpit of the Cessna T-37 Tweet. In the two decades since, he's flown numerous aircraft in theaters of operation around the globe. For this veteran aviator, climbing into an aircraft is like another day in the office – perhaps even better.

"Every time I get to fly, it’s a good day," said Rudolphi. "Whether it's the [HC-130J Combat King II], or the [A-10C Thunderbolt II], I always tell myself 'This is a good day.' Being a fighter pilot is something that I had the opportunity to experience that very few people get to encounter."

A-10: The Master of CAS

Though trained as a "fighter pilot," Rudolphi has spent much of his career as a CAS pilot with the A-10C Thunderbolt II, the U.S. Air Force's flying tank killer that has earned the nickname "Warthog" by those fortunate to climb into its cockpit.

He has surpassed 3,300 flight hours on the A-10 – more than many aviators spend in their entire careers.

"What makes the A-10 quite different is the community," Rudolphi explained. "The situations that we find ourselves in are always dependent on what is happening on the ground. We cannot shape it and we can't control it."

The Air Force noted that the CAS mission dates back to the era of the United States Army Air Corps. Instead of going against other fighters or bombers in the sky, CAS aircraft provide support in "offensive and defensive operations to destroy, disrupt, suppress and neutralize enemy targets as an element of aerial joint fire support."

That allows the forces on the ground to complete their missions. CAS continues to be important in modern combat operations.

"The idea that we had to eliminate every single enemy in a given area was never a priority," said Rudolphi. "Sometimes it was better to move through the kill zone and let them know we were there. That's the mentality of the hog [A-10] pilot. The hog pilot thinks, 'Okay, I can't drop a bomb right now. What's my next solution? How do I fix this problem?' It is a constant problem-solving game."

In addition to his time his in the cockpit, Rudolphi continues to share his wealth of knowledge and experience with newer pilots in the 23rd Wing. Rudolphi has proven to be an example of both a bold pilot and one that is a bit older.

"What I care about most is mentoring new pilots. Before we fly, I tell them 'Everything that we're going to do today is about you,'" Rudolphi emphasized. "There's really nothing left for me to learn on the platform … what it's all about is helping them gain confidence knowing that they can go and take the aircraft onto a mission or into combat with confidence in their abilities"

4,000 is Just a Number – But an Impressive One

As the Air Force also suggested, Rudolphi's surpassing 4,000 flight hours with more than 3,300 in the A-10 is a "testament to the enduring legacy… and [to] the dedicated professionals who fly and maintain it."

That sentiment was shared by those who have served with Rudolphi.

"I am happy and honored to serve beside him," said Col. Paul Sheets, 23rd Wing commander. "Surpassing 4,000 flight hours across multiple military aircraft takes skill, and an unwavering commitment to the Air Force and our country. His leadership and expertise continue to set the standard for excellence, and we are all grateful for his continued service."

The United States Air Force is in the process of retiring the aging A-10 Thunderbolt, but even when it is finally grounded, it is likely Rudolphi will keep on flying.

Author Experience and Expertise: Peter Suciu

Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer. He has contributed to more than four dozen magazines, newspapers, and websites with over 3,200 published pieces over a twenty-year career in journalism. He regularly writes about military hardware, firearms history, cybersecurity, politics, and international affairs. Peter is also a Contributing Writer for Forbes and Clearance Jobs. You can follow him on Twitter: @PeterSuciu. You can email the author: Editor@nationalinterest.org.

Image Credit: Creative Commons and/or Shutterstock.

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