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What Harris must do

by Peter Funt

If Vice President Kamala Harris, the former prosecutor who insists, “I know Donald Trump’s type,” takes the advice of many Democrats and tries Tuesday night to “prosecute the case” against Trump, she’s likely to lose. And by lose I mean she won’t persuade enough undecided voters to move her way.

Electoral stragglers probably know everything they need to about the former president. They know his bluster, his inclination to hurl insults and his willingness to be frisky with facts. They’re well aware of his legal problems. That’s why on the debate stage, Harris either wins or loses by making a compelling argument for herself, not a case against Trump.

Harris should focus on two things. First, she must appear capable and truly presidential. Fair or not, that is a bar that the first female president will have to soar over. In Harris’s case it’s made more difficult by her history of giggles and gaffs — repeated incessantly on YouTube. In the short time since President Biden withdrew, however, Harris has made remarkable strides in cleaning up this part of her performance. She must refine it on the debate stage and not react to Trump’s taunts in ways that could be seen as weak or unprofessional.

Second, Harris needs to persuade viewers that she can do something about inflation and the prices Americans are paying for basic goods and services. She’s made a start with recent announcements about economic strategy, but she’ll need to say more while signaling that she understands what’s troubling most Americans.

I’d suggest she gamble and say, “I don’t think Donald Trump even knows what a half-gallon of milk or a loaf of bread costs these days. Well, I do. And I intend to fix it.”

Beyond that, Harris should bite the Biden bullet and come up with something about which she can flatly state, “President Biden and I do not agree on that. Right now, the buck stops with him. Come January, I plan to go in a different direction.” That will take strength and conviction and it won’t make her current boss happy — yet it’s something undecided voters desperately want to hear.

She should also address one or two of her policy shifts head on. Regarding fracking, for example: “Look, I was against it as recently as 2019 and I said so. Since working in the White House I’ve learned a lot — about the process and the alternatives — and I’ve changed my view. I wish I never had to adjust my thinking, but that’s part of leadership.”

Meanwhile, there are a few things Harris would be wise to stay away from. One is Project 2025. She shouldn’t try to paint Donald Trump with its content, even if it is the work of his cronies. Voters aren’t buying it. Moreover, there’s enough fodder in Trump’s own words to underscore key policy differences without citing an unofficial conservative wishlist.

The vice president’s biggest vulnerability is on immigration. There, the Biden administration has been reluctant to trumpet recent reductions in illegal border crossings, apparently fearing that if the statistics change again, Harris will suffer. But now is the time to update the record — while not making excuses. Harris should cite the facts and pledge to finish the job.

Finally, Harris ought to take a break from debate prep and watch a seven-minute video narrated by the actor Jason Bateman for “The Daily Show.” Its argument is that what most Americans want in their next president is someone who is “Just Normal.”

“People are exhausted,” Harris said the other day, describing the nation’s political climate.

She’s right, which is why her game plan Tuesday night should focus on emotional climate change.

Copyright 2024 Peter Funt distributed by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Peter Funt’s latest book is “Playing POTUS: The Power of America’s Acting Presidents,” about comedians who impersonated presidents.

The post What Harris must do appeared first on The Moderate Voice.

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