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I became a mum at 15 –  now I’m 20 years old and just gave birth to my fourth on the toilet, she fell right out

ANGIE was just 15-years-old when she gave birth to her first child, now at 20 she’s a proud mum-of-four.

The mum and her high school sweetheart, Jordan, have had their hands full over the past few years, and it’s safe to say their latest addition made quite the entrance.

YouTube/Angie and the Family
Angie shared her birth story on YouTube[/caption]
The mum had an unassisted homebirth, despite planning otherwise
YouTube/Angie and the Family

In a recent video Angie, who posts online as Angie & The Family, documented her birth, and explained the tot “fell out” when she was on the toilet during labour.

With her firstborn, the mum gave birth in the hospital, and then in a birthing centre with baby number two and three, a trend she planned to keep going with baby number four.

But that didn’t quite go to plan, as Angie ended up delivering her little one unassisted at home.

Before getting in the car to go to the birthing centre, Angie told her husband and in-laws she needed to go to the toilet first.

That’s when things began to speed up, despite not having consistent contractions, Angie realised her baby was very much on the way, leaving no time to drive the 90 minute journey to the birthing centre.

With no pushing, the baby’s head was out just seconds after Angie’s water broke on the toilet.

“I stood up off the toilet and she fell out. She literally fell out of me,” the mum explained.

Luckily, Jordan was there to catch the little one and stop her from falling into the toilet.

“My mother-in-law delivered my placenta for me and my husband cut the cord,” she said.

The mum then moved to her bedroom, where she comforted the newborn and showed her off to her two eldest kids.

Despite the speedy nature of it all, Angie said the entire experience was amazing, and she would love to relive it.

“Postpartum I felt better than I had ever felt, there’s no other word for it except amazing,” she said.

The next day Angie, Jordan and the tot went over to the birth centre for quick check up and to confirm the baby’s weight.

Previously, the mum opened up about sharing her family’s life on social media and facing trolls.

“Now that YouTube is a big part of our lives I feel like that means more openness and more vulnerability,” she said in another clip.

Despite some harsh comments in the past, Angie has proved time and time again that she’s a great mum, something loyal viewers agreed with.

One said: “I really do relate to you. I’m 17, married, & 24 weeks pregnant. It really is nice to see other people in your situation you know?”

A second simple said: “Omg I swear we have literally so much in common!”

What causes premature births?

Preterm birth, defined as childbirth occurring before 37 weeks of gestation, poses significant health risks for the baby. The earlier a baby is born, the greater the risks, with those born before 28 weeks facing the most severe complications. These babies often require intensive medical care and may suffer from long-term health issues such as developmental delays, respiratory problems, and vision or hearing impairments.

Medical advancements have improved the survival rates of preterm infants, even those born extremely early. However, the likelihood of survival and the extent of health complications are closely linked to the gestational age at birth. Babies born between 28 and 32 weeks have a better prognosis than those born before 28 weeks, but they still face challenges and may need ongoing medical support.

Parents of preterm babies should be prepared for a potentially lengthy hospital stay and a range of possible health concerns. Early intervention and specialized care can improve outcomes, but it is crucial to monitor the child’s development closely. Understanding the risks and being informed about the necessary medical care can help parents support their preterm infant’s health and development effectively.

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