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Hamas Hostage Shares Heartbreaking Account of Captivity, While Anti-Israel Protesters Cheer These Monsters

Agam Goldstein Almog, 17, was kidnapped and held hostage for 51 days by Hamas terrorists.

The Gateway Pundit shared initial details from 17-year-old Agam Goldstein Almog, who was released after 51 days of captivity at the hands of Hamas terrorists.

In the days after her release, she did an interview where she shared the horror of the murders of her father and sister and the brutal treatment faced by female hostages at the hands of their brutal Hamas captors.

Agam recently wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post titled I was a captive of Hamas. After I was freed, I was imprisoned by online trolls,’ which details the abuse she encountered in captivity as well as the abuse she continues to experience today.

My Hamas guards hated me for being Jewish, so I was coerced into reciting Islamic prayers and made to wear a hijab. I was forbidden from mourning my father and sister, and often ordered to look down at the ground. Six female hostages I met in a tunnel told me about men with guns who came into their shower rooms and touched their bodies.

Hearing about these young women’s fear of sexual abuse was agonizing. When one of my guards told me that he would find me a “husband” in Gaza, and that I would live the rest of my life as a chained slave-wife, my mother interrupted, deflecting his advances. I was fortunate to be released, along with my family members, in a prisoner exchange after 51 days. But those six young women are still in captivity, held for more than 300 days, without their mothers. They all should have come home a long time ago.

Although relieved to have been released, Agam shares the impact of the hate fanned by anti-Israel radicals, like those taking over American college campuses.

I have watched as the movement in the West for a Gaza cease-fire sometimes devolves into full-throated support for Hamas and the hounding of Jews in public spaces. I’m sure my kidnappers still hate me, but when American students call for “intifada” or chant in praise of Hamas terrorists “Al-Qassam, you make us proud,” I’m reminded that many other people do, too.

Now, a dangerous escalation in the war that began on Oct. 7 might loom, involving an Iranian regime that has long promised to wipe Israel off the map. Theirs is the same hatred that killed my father and sister. The same hatred that poisons too many campuses and too much of social media.

Dozens of cases of sexual assault and sexual crimes by Hamas terrorists used as a tool of war have been documented, according to police evidence.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the admission of a captured Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist that his team raped Israeli women during the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks.

Evidence of the use of rape by Hamas terrorists as a tool of war has been collected by Lahav 433, Israel’s top national police unit.

In December 2023, even the liberal The New York Times published a lengthy report after a two-month-long investigation into the sexual violence and brutality Israeli women faced at the hands of Hamas terrorists.

The report culminated from interviews with 150 people, including witnesses, medical personnel, soldiers, and rape counselors.

An extensive report was published by The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (AARCC) detailing the systematic nature of the “sadistic sex crimes” committed by the Hamas.

Remember, these are the monsters that anti-Israel protestors on college campuses and in American streets are cheering for.

The post Hamas Hostage Shares Heartbreaking Account of Captivity, While Anti-Israel Protesters Cheer These Monsters appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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