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Life’s biggest inconveniences are revealed from queue-jumpers to ‘baltic’ boiler breakdowns

LIFE’S biggest inconveniences include queue-jumpers, poor Wi-Fi and boiler breakdowns, according to research.

A poll of 2,000 adults uncovered the top 50 things that irritate people when they’re trying to get on with their day – with struggling to find the end of the sticky tape and getting a wobbly and loud trolley at the supermarket also making the list.

A poll reveals the top 50 most annoying things that happen throughout the day[/caption]
One of the top culprits was ‘when the gas goes’[/caption]

While 37 per cent find themselves annoyed when it rains after they’ve hung washing out on the line and 14 per cent have been left having to endure a cold shower thanks to their boiler packing in.

But 40 per cent claim something always breaks when they’re having a ‘skint month’ and can’t afford to get it fixed or replaced.

It also emerged 36 per cent feel these daily inconveniences have a knock-on effect for the rest of their day.

To mark this year’s Gas Safety Week, Gas Safe Register – which commissioned the research – has released a new tongue-in-cheek public service-style announcement film to bring to life the consequences and impact on people’s day-to-day lives ‘when the gas goes’ at home.

Actor Will Mellor, who narrated the new film, said: “Why does it always feel like things go wrong at the worst moment?

“I’ve been caught out myself, coming back from a holiday to find out the boiler had packed in, it was Baltic.

“Have to admit, I didn’t realise you needed to get all of your gas appliances safety checked once a year, but now I know why staying on top of this is so important.

“You’ll be less likely to run into issues and any faults can be fixed before they become more expensive problems.”

The study also found 46 per cent have up to four inconvenient things happen to them a week.

But 67 per cent believe being a little more organised ahead of time can help avoid problems happening.

When things do go wrong, 38 per cent of people react by swearing, 32 per cent moan to others while 28 per cent take deep breaths.

Household appliances breaking down and not working properly is the cause of the biggest inconveniences in life (39 per cent), followed by technology (31 per cent).

A quarter also said their boiler always breaks down at the worst possible time.

Yet 22 per cent have not had their gas appliances serviced in the past year, which can help to prevent breakdowns as well as ensure they’re running safely.

It was also found 24 per cent claim the biggest mishaps in life happen at home compared to when they’re out and about.

The washing machine (45 per cent), gas boiler (38 per cent) and central heating (29 per cent) are revealed as the biggest problems in the home.

The study by Onepoll found 13 per cent currently have a malfunctioning appliance they’re still using in their home.

And 18 per cent will wait up to two weeks before trying to get that appliance fixed.

The film created by Gas Safe Register seeks to remind householders of the importance of getting their gas appliances safety checked annually.

Rob Denman, head of professional and field services at Gas Safe Register, added: “Small inconveniences – like when the boiler breaks down or when the wi fi cuts out when you’re in the middle of working, really can put a dampener on your day, especially when they accumulate.

“However, being prepared in advance can help avoid the potential of many issues occurring – as has been indicated by the research.

“Ultimately, while minor inconveniences are a part of life, taking proactive steps such as getting an annual gas safety check, can help minimise their impact and keep our homes running smoothly.”



People pushing-in in a queue


Needing the toilet but can’t find a public loo/no loos open


Wi-fi cutting out


Raining when the washing has just been hung on the line


Public transport not turning up on time or at all


Boiler breaking down leaving the household no heating, especially during the colder/winter months


Leaving something in a pocket when putting clothes through the wash


Staining a favourite item of clothing with food


Struggling to find the end of a roll of sticky tape


Holding the door open for someone who doesn’t say thank-you


Getting stuck at every red traffic light


Getting splashed by a vehicle when walking


Getting stuck behind a cyclist when driving


Getting a wobbly or loud trolley at the supermarket


Drivers not saying thank-you when you let them out


Locking yourself out of your home


An engine light flashing up on the car dashboard when about to drive somewhere


Having to pay for someone to come and fix something which only takes a few minutes


Getting stuck behind a bin lorry when driving


Discovering the milk in the fridge has gone off


Light bulb blowing and not having the correct replacement


Needing to reset all digital clocks after a power cut


A laptop/computer automatically restarting without a warning


An unexpected bill leaving your bank account


Colour running in the washing machine


Food exploding in the microwave


Alarm clock not going off


Forgetting an umbrella when it’s raining


Forgetting to pack a specific item for a holiday


Being late for work due to no fault of your own


Realising the clothes you want to wear are in the wash


The temperature being too hot or too cold e.g. in the workplace


A pen running out of ink when taking important notes


An online bus/tube timeline not matching up with the actual times


Boiling the kettle and not having enough water for all the drink requests


Accidentally burning toast


Getting caught in rain after washing or styling hair


A biscuit breaking off in a cup of tea or coffee


Gas stove/oven packing in unexpectedly when going to cook


Having to have a cold shower as the boiler has stopped working


Loud building works going on when working from home


A video call freezing


Realising the item of clothing picked to wear needs ironing


A load of washing not fitting on the airer


Accidentally reading a message on WhatsApp but not being ready to reply


Shower or bath not working on hair wash night


Forgetting a poo bag when walking the dog


Neighbour’s dog barking when working from home


Waiting ages for the bathroom in your home


A work meeting being put in the diary for 5pm

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