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Transport minister open to dropping Limassol bus lane plans

Transport Minister Alexis Vafeades said he is willing to remove plans for bus lanes on Nikou and Despoinas Pattichi Avenue in Limassol, following strong opposition from local shop owners and residents.

The statement was made during an open meeting on Thursday in Limassol, where concerns were raised about the lack of public consultation and the potential negative impact on small businesses.

Critics argued that the project would harm small and medium-sized enterprises by eliminating short-term stops for customers and suppliers, which had been agreed upon as compensation during the creation of a central median in 2020.

Despite clarifications from the senior executive engineer at the Public Works Department, who said that the bus lanes would operate only during weekdays and peak hours – from 7.30am to 9.30am and from 4.30pm to 6.30pm, with minimal road changes – the affected parties maintained their opposition.

The meeting also saw disagreements among municipal councillors regarding the previous council’s decision to approve the project. Representatives from the Small shopkeepers’ association Povek and the Limassol Chamber of Commerce also expressed concerns about the bus lane project.

After the three-hour meeting, Vafeades acknowledged the residents’ worries and the potential impact on their quality of life and the viability of their businesses. He said it is crucial to address how access for both customers and suppliers to shops will be maintained.

The minister outlined two options, namely implementing the project on a trial basis, possibly with adjusted operating hours, or removing it from the plan entirely.

However, he stressed that any final decisions would be made in consultation with Limassol’s new municipal council, with a resolution expected by next week, as the project is currently in the tender process.

“We acted based on a decision by the previous municipal council,” Vafeades said. “If this decision is overturned, we will take that into account, as they have the primary say in what happens in Limassol.”

In response to whether plans would change due to public backlash, Vafeades said there is room for adjustment regarding Nikou and Despoinas Pattichi Avenue but stressed that “there is no room for changing the overall designs.”

“There are projects that need to be completed as Cyprus is committed to the funding body to implement them by 2026,” he added.

The minister reiterated that bus lanes are essential to making public transport more efficient, as without them, it will be difficult to attract passengers. He also said that the overarching goal of the project is to improve public transportation and reduce traffic congestion in Limassol.

During the meeting, Vafeades also expressed frustration over personal attacks from participants, clarifying that the aim is not to harm businesses or inconvenience residents but to address the city’s growing traffic problem.

“The backbone of the economy is small and medium-sized businesses, and we want to protect them. That’s a fundamental principle for us,” he said. However, he noted that isolated projects will not solve the problem, but a coordinated approach combining various initiatives planned for Limassol could yield results.

Vafeadis highlighted that Nikou and Despoinas Pattichi Avenue, along with the coastal road, are the city’s two main arteries. The objective is to alleviate traffic congestion, support economic activity, and encourage more passengers to use public transport.

He warned that the traffic problem will worsen if bus lanes are not implemented and if there is no uptake of the Park & Ride system, which the ministry plans to launch.

Limassol Mayor Nicos Armenis agreed that the previous municipal authorities should have held public consultations with those affected before making decisions. He also suggested that the project may not need to be a top priority, and that it could serve as an opportunity to push for infrastructure improvements that address concerns while ensuring the project’s implementation.

“We want a solution to the problem and business viability. We are here with an open mind,” Armenis concluded.

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