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Economist Ben Weinstein Explains To Joe Rogan How Democrats’ “Cheat Margin” Works In Elections

Democrats are planning to steal the election in multiple states across America. The stealing will take place in many forms, including a massive number of fraudulent registrations and ineligible voters that have no business appearing on legitimate voter rolls.

In states like Michigan, the Soros-funded SOS Jocelyn Benson and the equally evil MI AG Dana Nessel have been openly threatening election officials and everyday citizens for posting content on social media that could be considered “election misinformation” and even President Trump.

Last week, MI SOS Benson threatened election officials in a video-recorded message. Looking directly into the camera, Benson said, “We will come for you!” if you challenge the election. She appears to realize that she’s let down her carefully crafted, phony girl next door persona while threatening election officials, as she can be seen attempting to soften her threat by smirking.

MI SOS Jocelyn Benson and her Director of Elections, Eric Brater, are currently being sued by the RNC, who is attempting to force the state of MI to fix its grossly over-inflated voter rolls, citing their failure to “live up” to the NVRA or National Voter Registration Act’s requirement that demands voter rolls must be kept clean.

MI SOS Jocelyn Benson (D) and MI Bureau of Elections Director Jonathan Brater

The lawsuit states that MI SOS Benson and BOE Director Brater/ERIC chair have failed to meet the requirements outlined in section 8 of the NRVA, or National Voter Registration Act, which requires the states to maintain clean and accurate voter registration records.

Of the 83 counties in Michigan, the lawsuit claims at least 53 have more active registered voters than adult citizens over 18, and 23 have registrations exceeding 90% of adult citizens over 18. The lawsuit states, “that number of voters is impossibly high.” Comparing the registered active voter count to the 2022 Census data reveals that these 53 counties have active voter registration rates at or above 100 percent of their citizen voting-age populations.

Meanwhile, MI AG Dana Nessel is setting the stage for the outside chance Democrats don’t get enough “votes” to overtake TTrump’slead in Michigan. In the video below, Nessel warns that Trump will “try to subvert the election through illegal means” by “enlisting as many Republican poll workers, clerks & activists as possible.” Since when did this become illegal?

In Arizona, a lawsuit was filed by the AZ GOP against the Democrat SOS Adrian Fontes for finding between 500,000 – 1 million ineligible voters on their voter rolls.

AZ SOS Adrian Fontes (D)

Steven Miller of America First Legal announced their lawsuit against all 15 counties in Arizona for refusing to remove illegals from their voter rolls.

America First Legal tweeted:

We are suing ALL 15 counties in Arizona for refusing to remove illegals from their voter rolls. This follows our lawsuit against Maricopa.

Every county in AZ is flagrantly defying its duty under state law to expunge illegal voters:

In Pennsylvania, former Community Organizer Barack Obama tweeted about how Democrats successfully pulled off potentially one of the greatest heists of our elections by automatically registering “every eligible person” in the must-win swing state to vote.

Watch Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro explain why he went around the PA legislature and implemented automatic voter registration:

In Texas, Republican Governor Greg Abbott has ordered one million ineligible voters to be removed from the voter rolls, including 500,000 DEAD voters!

During an interview with Joe Rogan, the brilliant economist Ben Weinstein explained how Democrats have something called a “heat margin” “built into their plans to steal elections.

Ben Weinstein

Bret Weinstein says there is a “Cheat margin” in elections and says America owes Trump a debt of gratitude for proving it could be beaten.

Rogan suggested that manipulated polls are being used to convince Americans that Kamala is “up in the polls,” “even though no one is supporting her. He asked Weinstein if he could quantify the amount of cheating that needs to happen to make it possible for Harris to defeat Trump in the upcoming election.

“One of the things that I’m trying to convince people of is that it’s not hopeless because they can cheat, but it means that you have to succeed at a level that exceeds their capacity to erase it.”

Weinstein used Trump’s win in 2016 as an example of how the Democrats didn’t plan a large enough cheat factor to defeat him. “We owe Trump a huge debt of gratitude for proving something that I couldn’t have told you if it was true before he won the presidency,” Weinstein told Rogan.


Democrats are pulling out all of the stops in the upcoming election. With all of the minority voters turning on Kamala Harris, is it even possible for them to cheat enough to win? Stay tuned for our report tomorrow morning on the most recent scheme the Gateway Pundit has uncovered by Democrats, who could potentially cheat Donald Trump out of a second term by using a particular group of voters rarely discussed in the media…

The post Economist Ben Weinstein Explains To Joe Rogan How Democrats’ “Cheat Margin” Works In Elections appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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