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iPhone owners rave over little-known iMessage text speed trick that ‘feels faster’ and cheer ‘this is freaking great’

APPLE fans are obsessed with a clever trick they say lets you “react” even faster in the Messages app.

iPhone owners admitted that they’d never noticed the feature – and it’s earning rave reviews online.

You can quickly pull up the iPhone’s iMessage reaction menu with a simple double tap[/caption]

The feature is built into iMessage, and was shared on Reddit.

In a thread, an iPhone owner wrote: “I was today years old when I figured out you could double tap iMessages.

“Did anyone else know you could double tap texts and iMessages to bring up the reaction and reply panels?

“I actually prefer it now – it feels faster to me. Anyway, sorry if I was the only one. Figured I’d share nonetheless!’

Normally to send an emoji-reaction or quote-reply a message, you’d need to long-press on an iPhone.

But this savvy gadget fan realized that it’s far quicker to just double-tap the message instead.

It might only save you a fraction of a second, but it feels much better.

When you double-tap, the available emoji reactions appear above the message – and the option to reply shows up just below.

The thread that revealed the feature has earned hundreds of Reddit upvotes as shocked fans reacted to it.

One said: “Thanks for that tip! Long-tapping always feels clunky to me.”

Another said: “Oh wow! Thanks for that lol. Definitely going to start using that feature.”

And one added: “Ya this is freaking great thanks. Yeah I gotta retrain too.”

There is another iMessage reply trick you might have missed.

You can also just swipe-right on a message to quickly reply to it.

iPhone tricks to try today

Here are some of the best...

  • Typing cursor – When typing, hold down the space bar to turn your keyboard into a trackpad, letting you move around words and sentences more easily
  • Close all Safari tabs – To do this in one go, simply hold the overlapped squares in the bottom right-hand corner, and press close all tabs
  • Delete lots of photos quickly – Hold down on a photo and then drag your finger diagonally in Photos to select lots of images at once, then hit delete
  • Convert currency quickly – Swipe down from the top of your Home screen, then tap in the bar and type a currency (like €200) and it will automatically covert to your local currency
  • Check if you’re due a battery upgrade – Batteries inside smartphones degrade over time. Just go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health, and check out the Maximum Capacity reading. Generally a battery is considered worn when you’re down to 80% capacity. If you’re below, you can buy a battery swap from Apple
  • Move apps around faster – Hold an app until it starts wiggling, then (while still holding) tap other apps, causing them to stack so you can move them around easier


Of course iMessage is packed with secret features that you should start using immediately.

For instance, if you tap and hold the blue Send button, you can choose the Invisible Ink option.

This means your message will only be visible to the recipient if they rub their finger on it.

It’s a great way to text in public if someone is watching over your shoulder.


Are you self proclaimed Apple lover well here are some fun hacks for you....

  • My iPhone typing trick a complete game changer – you’ll use it daily
  • I’m a gadget pro – every iPhone owner should creepy setting off
  • Genius iPhone sleeping hack is exactly what you need a good nights sleep
  • I’m an iPhone expert – instantly clear your storage with just a single click
  • I’m an iPhone expert – the surprising settings draining your battery life everyday
  • Anyone with an enemy needs to know genius iPhone camera trick
  • I’m an iPhone expert – four Apple hacks that will make your life so much easier
  • You can unlock hidden iPhone features using codes typed into your keyboard
  • Apple has a secret phone setting that makes phone calls so much better – how to unlock it
  • My iPhone typing trick is a complete game changer you’ll use it daily
  • Simple iPhone hack will stop you from making the biggest charging mistake.
  • Apple Warning: Your iPhone could catch on fire just with simple mistakes.
  • Hidden genius iPhone trick will let you use your favorite apps with even touching them.
  • I was an emergency responder – simple iPhone could save your life
  • Your iPhone has a hidden photo menu that unlocks genius feature
  • I’m a tech genius – iPhone trick brings back beloved feature binned by Apple
  • I’m an Apple Whiz – the iPhone ‘reach wiggle’ trick is a game changer for small hands

And you can also use it to talk about spoilers in a group chat.

You might also want to try sending “code words” that trigger hidden effects.

Send any of these to trigger an effect:

  • Pew Pew
  • Happy Birthday
  • Congratulations
  • Happy Chinese New Year
  • Selamat

You can instantly impress friends or family who might’ve missed this hidden iMessage hack.

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