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Model, 32, blew £128k on ‘Frankenstein’ leg-lengthening surgery after ex said he wouldn’t love her unless she was taller

A MODEL blew £128,000 on gruesome ‘Frankenstein’ leg-extending surgeries after ex said he wouldn’t love her unless she was taller.

Reality TV star Theresia Fischer underwent an agonising series of procedures that involved severing her leg bones and fitting them with metal rods to achieve the pins of her dreams.

Theresia Fischer, 31, from Hamburg, Germany, underwent a series of ‘Frankenstein’-like ops to lengthen her legs[/caption]
She underwent the leg-extending surgeries after ex said he wouldn’t love her unless she was taller[/caption]
Theresia underwent her first op in 2016[/caption]
She underwent a second surgery in 2022 that involved cutting her leg bones and fixing them with metal rods[/caption]

The influencer decided to lengthen her legs by five and a half inches (14 centimetres) after her ex-husband Thomas Behrend said he wouldn’t love her until she reached the height of a top model.

Theresia, who boasts more than 156,000 followers on Instagram, said he told her: “If you do this for me, I will always love you and carry you in my arms.”

Her first leg op followed in 2016 with a second in 2022 to have her thigh and lower leg bones cut, and fitted with adjustable telescopic rods into her tibiae – or shinbones – which medics then cranked until her legs were longer.

Theresia was just 5.5 feet tall (170 centimetres) before the ops and now stands at a supermodel-sized six feet (184 centimetres) tall.

She left the University Hospital in Freiburg after a final eighth op to remove the telescopic steel rods that allowed new bone tissue to grow in June.

Each time the bones in her legs grew a few centimetres, surgeons widened the gap to encourage further growth.

She now said: “I’m just glad that I’ve completely put this whole thing behind me.

“That my legs, which were created at the request of my ex, are now in such a way that I can walk properly again.

“I can now give him the middle finger because he no longer has what he always wanted, a tall model woman right next to him.”

She added: “I still have a lot to work through emotionally, but now I have the strength to heal and, with the loving support of my beloved Stefan Kleiser, 58, to finally find my true strength and balance.

“Love is support, tolerance and enrichment, and not a reduction and subordination like before.”

The influencer disclosed that she and Stefan now plan to start a family as she waits for the medical all-clear to restart her modelling career.

The model turned heads with her 45-inch-long legs at the BILD Red Night high-profile gala in Hamburg last week.

When asked about the perks of her impressive height, the 32-year-old Germany’s Next Topmodel participant bragged that her partner Stefan is enjoying the most from her newfound advantages.

Limb-legthening surgery explained

Limb lengthening surgery is a procedure that gradually makes an arm or leg bone longer.

It can be used to treat differences in the length of arms or legs.

It involves:

  1. Cutting the bone in two segments
  2. Attaching a limb lengthening device to the two segments of bone – either rods or a thin metal frame

Your body will create new bone to fill the gap between the two segments.

If you’re lengthening a leg bone, you won’t be able to walk for several weeks.

You may use a wheelchair, crutches or other aids.

If you’re lengthening an arm, you won’t be able to lift things for a few weeks.

Source: Cleveland Clinic

She said: “I have to say, I am much more flexible and delicate now – even in bed. Because the proportions are balanced.”

The stunning blonde rocked a pair of XXL platform shoes and a Gucci-Balenciaga blazer while hitting a towering 204 centimetres (6.6 ft).

Theresia said: “I actually bought this outfit, especially the blazer, three years ago.”

She revealed that she held off on flaunting the blazer until her leg extension was fully complete and all the metal rods had been removed.

Theresia has since broken up with her ex[/caption]
She says she can now ‘give him the middle finger’[/caption]
Theresia is now over 6ft tall[/caption]
She’s planning to start a family with her new partner while waiting for her bones to fully heal[/caption]

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