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Relationship expert reveals the real reasons men like Leonardo DiCaprio date younger women – and a NSFW misconception

THE age of Leonardo DiCaprio’s 26-year-old girlfriend has raised a few eyebrows — because she’s actually one of the oldest women he’s romanced.

According to a relationship expert, men like Leo tend to go for age gaps because it makes them feel younger — but that’s not the only reason.

Leonardo DiCaprio, pictured at the BAFTA Tea Party this year, has a tendency to date women 25 and younger
2024 Getty Images
Annabelle Knight
Relationship expert Annabelle Knight, pictured, revealed the real reasons men like Leonardo Dicaprio date younger women[/caption]

Lovehoney’s sex and relationship expert relationship, Annabelle Knight is a bestselling author and a celebrity relationship coach.

Speaking to The U.S. Sun, she broke down why men in their 50s and beyond sometimes prefer dating women around half their age.


In this particular case, Leonardo has a track record of breaking things off with his girlfriends before they can turn 26.

Previously, he was in long-term relationships with Victoria’s Secret Angel Gisele Bundchen, actress Blake Lively, and Camilla Morrone, but all ended by the time they reached a quarter century.

Now, he is currently dating 26-year-old Italian model Victoria Cerreti, whom many suspect could be the one.

Fans have noted that Leo is stepping away from his traditional dating behavior.

Some speculated it was intentional, but Knight said “we shouldn’t get too ahead of ourselves.”

There’s been a lot of conversation bout Leo’s tendency to date women under the age of 25, as well as “some great memes and even birthday cakes,” Knight noted.

At the end of the day, Vittoria Ceretti is still 23 years his junior.

“It’s possible that he’s now dating someone outside of his usual age range to help to dispel some of the gossip rumors that have followed him around over the past few years,” she said.

But Knight added that “it’s important to remember that she does still fit his typical type.”

“Based on Leonardo’s track record, it would be easy to say that they’re unlikely to last forever,” she said.

“We don’t know the ins and outs of their relationship, and who’s to say this won’t be different!”


Age gaps, of course, are not a new phenomenon — in and outside of Hollywood.

“High-profile men have been dating younger women for decades,” she said.

2024 Taylor Hill
Leonardo DiCaprio and divorced Vittoria Ceretti have been linked since August 2023[/caption]

More and more are coming forward with younger and younger girlfriends, like former New England Patriots general manager Bill Bellichek, 72, who recently went public with Jordan Hudson, 24.

“This has always been a trend in Tinseltown,” Knight said.

“Look back at any decade in the past and you’ll be able to think of a couple with a big age-gap — whether it’s Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas, or Frank Sinatra with Mia Farrow,” she added.

Going out to parties and hanging out with their partner’s younger friends can be invigorating.

Annabelle Knightsex and relationship expert

The “prevalence of these relationships in Hollywood” may be down to the rules “feeling slightly different” there.

She added that many societal pressures may influence some men’s preference towards younger women, especially in Hollywood.

She said it “could be easier not to feel as constrained by societal norms as the average person does.”

Leonardo DiCaprio dated then-20-year-old supermodel Gisele Bundchen from 2000 to 2005
The Condé Nast Publications


Knight said there are several reasons why a man who is 50 and over might start a relationship with a woman in her early to mid-20s.

“The reasoning for this varies from relationship to relationship, but it may be because it makes them feel younger themselves, or more powerful,” Knight explained.

She said it can be a way for men to hold onto their youth.

“Going out to parties and hanging out with their partner’s younger friends can be invigorating,” she added.


There is also the appeal of her having more energy in the bedroom, as younger women could be seen as “wilder and more promiscuous” — even “stereotypically” more flexible.

Knight said that “isn’t the case.”

“Women don’t lose their desire for intimacy as they get older and getting down under the covers really has no age limit,” she added.

“Our own research has found that 66% of women over 65 have used or would like to try a sex toy with a partner, so being adventurous in the bedroom isn’t something that’s reserved for women in their 20s!”

The Mega Agency
Leonardo DiCaprio and Camila Morrone split up in 2022 when she was 24 after four years of dating[/caption]


“In terms of the woman’s interest in this relationship, it’s often appealing for younger women to date more mature men,” Knight said.

Women may feel that older guys can offer something they’re not finding within men their own age.

Knight explained that “in our society, older men are considered to be more mature and serious than their younger counterparts.”

Of course, this isn’t always the case, but the illusion of an older and wiser man draws some people in.

The “simpler and more romantic explanation,” she concluded, is that perhaps “they are the right partners for each other.”

Leonardo DiCaprio dated then 24-year-old Gossip Girl actress Blake Lively in 2011 for less than a year[/caption]

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