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A 90-year-old who started cycling at 65 still takes regular spin classes. His four longevity tips include having a positive attitude.

Frank Ellis had a Tour de France-themed party for his 90th birthday this year.
  • Frank Ellis is 90 years old and cycles most days.
  • He shared his longevity tips with Business Insider.
  • These include not eating too much, and having passions and a positive attitude.

Frank Ellis had no desire to slow down when he turned 65. Instead, he took up cycling.

At his peak, Ellis cycled 1,000 miles each month, sometimes more. Twenty-five years later, at 90, he still cycles most days, whether on an exercise bike at the Atria Senior Living community in Las Vegas, where he lives, or in spin classes.

Ellis told Business Insider he believes his decadeslong cycling habit has helped him to stay fit and active and has made a "world of difference" to his health.

This checks out: a 2023 review of studies by researchers at the University of Glasgow found that cycling regularly appeared to lower people's risks of developing cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and dying from any cause, and also improved their mental health and well-being. According to the World Health Organization, 38% of premature deaths in 2019 were caused by cardiovascular disease, which can be prevented by lifestyle factors such as being more physically active.

"It is surprising what your body can do when you train it day in and day out," Ellis said. "Plus, it's a whole lot of fun."

He shared his tips for staying fit and healthy into older age with BI.

Find a type of exercise you like

Ellis has collected many cycling jerseys over the years. In his younger years, he'd cycle 1,000 miles some months.

Ellis, who ran an electronics contracting businesses for over 35 years, used to run for an hour every day after work. He switched to cycling when he was 65 because it was easier on his body. He thinks that finding an exercise you like is key to staying active for life.

"If young people start some type of exercise routine while they are young or find something physical that they enjoy early on, then chances are they will make it a lifelong activity," he said.

Experts agree. Physiologist Nathan K. LeBrasseur previously told BI that exercising consistently is more important than the type you do, because that's what provides health benefits.

Cycling with others also motivated Ellis. He has done plenty of races and long-haul cycles with friends — including a 225-mile ride from Las Vegas to Palm Springs — and had a weekend cycle club.

Don't drink much or smoke

Ellis doesn't smoke or drink much alcohol.

Smoking is the cause of nearly one in five deaths in the US each year, and there were 51,191 alcohol-related deaths in the US in 2022, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Plus, the lives of people who drank regularly and smoked were found to be over 10 years shorter than those who didn't drink or smoke in one 2022 study published in the journal Nature.

Ellis has completed lots of long-distance cycles with friends.

Don't eat too much

Another thing that Ellis attributes his longevity to is not eating too much.

This mirrors the eating habits of Japanese supercentenarians, who have lived past the age of 110 and tend to eat until they're 80% full, as BI previously reported.

Avoiding overeating can help to prevent obesity, which can reduce life expectancy by up to 14 years, according to a 2023 article published in BMC Medicine.

Have a positive attitude and passions

Frank Ellis is 90 years old and still cycles every day.

Ellis is passionate about cycling — so much so that he had a Tour de France-themed birthday party at his senior living community — but he has other interests, too, such as horse racing and golf.

Having hobbies and interests is a common theme among centenarians, BI previously reported. A 2023 study published in Nature Medicine found that people with hobbies were more likely to have higher life satisfaction and even higher life expectancies. The authors said hobbies might improve symptoms of depression and provide a sense of purpose.

Ellis also believes that having a positive attitude and a good sense of humor have helped keep him healthy. This chimes with a 2023 study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, which found positivity was a common trait among participants who had reached triple figures without any cognitive issues.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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