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From smelly feet to bad breath – what your body odour can reveal about your health and when to worry

WE all smell from time to time, whether it’s after a gym class, a stressful day at work or cramming ourselves into a sweaty tube carriage during rush hour.

But if you have persistently pongy feet or foul breath, your body could be tipping you off to something.

Your diet and general hygiene can affect your body odour, as can certain health conditions

Kenny Chan, lead information services pharmacist at Numark, said: “Body odour can provide important clues about your health.

 “Even though it is normal for everyone to have a scent, changes in your body odour can sometimes indicate underlying health issues,” he told the Sun.

There are a few common causes of body odour, the pharmacist explained.

Diet can affect your overall aroma, particularly foods like garlic, onions and certain spices.

Your hygiene can also play a role – if you don’t keep on top of it, bacteria can accumulate on your skin and cause body odour.

As for sweat, Kenny revealed that it doesn’t make you stinky in the way that you’d think.

“Sweat itself is odourless, but when it mixes with bacteria on the skin, it can produce an unpleasant smell,” he said.

From musty breath to fusty feet and excessive sweating – here are four different types of body odour and what they could mean about your health.

1. Smelly feet

There are a few different causes of smelly feet, with poor hygiene being a major one.

“Not washing feet regularly or wearing the same shoes and socks for extended periods can lead to odour,” Kenny explained.

But you might also be getting funky wafts whenever you remove your socks and shoes if you have a fungal infection.

According to Kenny: “Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection that can cause a strong odour.”

One of the main symptoms of the condition is itchy, white patches between your toes.

It’s unlikely to go away on its own, but you can treat it with anti-fungal medicines from a pharmacy.

Finally, excessive sweating can also result in pongy feet.

As the pharmacist explained, “excessive sweating can create a moist environment that promotes bacterial growth, leading to odour”.

2. Bad breath

Bad breath – also referred to as halitosis – can result from bacteria that builds up in the mouth if your dental hygiene isn’t the best, according to Kenny.

But conditions like gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease, can make your breath persistently musty.

Other symptoms of gum disease include your gums bleeding when you brush your teeth, floss and eat hard foods, as well as swollen, red and sore gums.

You should see a dentist if you notice these symptoms.

Having a dry mouth can also mean that your breath isn’t the freshest.

That’s because saliva helps cleanse the mouth, according to Kenny, so a lack of it can lead to bad breath.

Unsurprisingly, what you eat can play a part too.

“Foods like garlic, onions, and certain spices can cause temporary bad breath,” the pharmacist said.

Finally, medical conditions could also be behind your foul breath that doesn’t seem to go away even if you’re brushing your teeth.

Kenny said: “Chronic bad breath can be a sign of conditions like diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, or gastrointestinal issues.”

3. Excessive sweating

It’s normal to sweat if you get hot or do exercise, but you may be sweating excessively if you’re sweating when your body does not need to cool down, according to the NHS.

This is referred to as hyperhidrosis.

Primary hyperhidrosis is a condition where excessive sweating occurs without an underlying medical cause, Kenny said.

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Meanwhile, what’s known as secondary hyperhidrosis can be a side effect of medical conditions such as thyroid problems, diabetes, infections, or menopause.

Taking some medications could also cause you to sweat more than usual.

This includes some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and antidepressants, as well as painkillers like ibuprofen or aspirin.

Finally, being stressed or anxious can also make you sweat more than you’re used to.

4. General body odour

Your diet can influence your overall bodily aroma, especially foods like garlic, onions and certain spices.

Hormonal fluctuations can also play a role.

You may be particularly prone to hormonal changes at certain points in your life, such as during puberty and menopause, as well as during menstruation.

Medical conditions like diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease may affect how you smell, Kenny added.

Meanwhile, bacterial or fungal infections can cause localised odours, he added.

When should I worry about body odour?

“A sudden, unexplained change in body odour could indicate an underlying health issue,” Kenny warned.

“A fruity or sweet smell could be a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis, which requires immediate medical attention, and an ammonia or bleach-like smell could indicate liver or kidney problems.

“A fishy smell could be a sign of a bacterial infection.”

Kenny went on: “When it comes to a persistent foul odour, if good hygiene practices don’t resolve the issue, it could be due to an infection or other medical condition.

“If you notice excessive sweating along with a change in odour, it could be due to hyperhidrosis or a thyroid issue.”

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