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Новости от TheMoneytizer

I charge my boyfriend £40 every time he stays over – it covers rent, bills & food… but people say I’ll soon be single

A WOMAN has revealed that she charges her boyfriend £40 every time he stays over.

Kim’s money making methods have outraged many people, who have told her that she will soon be single.

Kim charges her boyfriend every time he stays over[/caption]
The money goes towards the cost of her rent and bills[/caption]

Taking to TikTok, the budgeting pro revealed that the £40 goes towards a share of her rent, bills and food shop.

“This week he stayed over twice, so I made an extra $100 (£80)”, she said.

Kim did not say whether she herself has to pay her boyfriend when she visits his house.

The savvy saver explained that she puts the cash her boyfriend pays her into a budget binder, which she uses to save money using the cash stuffing method.

Cash stuffing is where you have different folders, labelled with things like “bills”, “rent”, “groceries” and fill these with the amount of cash you have budgeted for yourself for that particular cost each month.

By being able to physically see how much money you have allocated for each expense, it becomes easier to not go over budget.

Kim’s binder has 100 numbered pockets, and you put the amount of money in that correlates with the number on the pocket.

Once the binder is complete, Kim will have £4,500.

“I have been stuffing for the past 60 days”, she said.

“So by the end, I could surprise my boyfriend with a nice holiday to Mexico this Christmas.”

This would mean that effectively Kim’s boyfriend will have paid for the holiday himself, despite her surprising him with it.

Kim’s (@buget.with.kim) video has likely left many open-mouthed, as it has racked up over 1.6 million views on the video sharing platform,

TikTok users raced to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts, and opinions were divided.

Some were critical of the method, such as one person who said: “Doesn’t he pay bills at his own house? Do you pay to stay there?”

Should couples have a joint bank account?

Almost half of couples aged 35-55 have a joint account, but they challenge each other on average three times a month about spending.

So is this the right thing to do?

 Finance expert Ellie Austin-Williams has advised couples to think twice before opening a joint bank account. While joint accounts can simplify managing shared expenses, they also come with potential pitfalls. Austin-Williams, the founder of This Girl Talks Money, highlights that joint accounts can lead to financial dependency and loss of financial autonomy. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining individual accounts to retain personal financial control and recommends using joint accounts only for shared expenses like bills and groceries.

Austin-Williams also points out that joint accounts can complicate matters if the relationship ends. In the event of a breakup, disentangling joint finances can be messy and stressful. She advises couples to have open and honest conversations about money and to set clear boundaries to prevent disputes. Additionally, she suggests regularly reviewing the financial arrangement to ensure it still works for both parties.

Ultimately, the finance expert argues that while joint accounts can be convenient, they require careful consideration and clear communication to avoid potential issues. Maintaining separate accounts alongside a joint one for shared expenses can offer a balanced approach, allowing couples to manage their finances together while still preserving their individual financial independence.

A second person said: “Yeah, this relationship is going to work…”

A third person said: “I’m so dead. So essentially he’s paying for his own vacation?”

However, others thought that the method was fair.

One person said: “This is so freaking smart,”

A second person said: “I love this girl math.”

A third person added: “He’s paying boyfriend support… love it.”

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