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I’m a gran-of-23 & go without food for DAYS – my cupboards are bare and debt collectors are coming for me any minute

A GRAN-of-23 says she’s goes days without food – and lives in fear of debt collectors knocking on her door.

Wendy Poole, 51, says she’s caught in a never-ending struggle and doesn’t know what to do.

MEN Media
Wendy Poole says she goes days without any food in an attempt to make ends meet[/caption]

The gran, who lives in the Leigh area of Wigan, Greater Manchester, started really struggling financially last year.

Wendy told the Manchester Evening News: “I try and take every day as it comes, but I’ve found myself where I’ve not been able to get out of bed because I can’t see past anything other than the situation I’m in.

“I can’t do that because I have a grandson to support. I try and face every struggle as it comes.

“When I think about these things, I just break down, because I don’t know what else to do.”

Despite cutting back on everything she could, from walking everywhere to only buying the absolute necessities, the gran soon found herself unable to afford her bills.

“We were really struggling,” the mum, who cares for one of her 23 grandkids, said. “Things were getting really hard. Prices were just going up and up.

“I used to comment all the time that you could go into the supermarket for a tub of margarine for £1, then you’d go in the next day and it would be £2. Everything had suddenly doubled.

“I noticed last year that prices were just exceeding to unreal levels and shopping had become a struggle.

“I would walk instead of catching the bus, saving £2 there and £2 back. It wasn’t a lot, just £4 at the end of the day, but it could go towards something. That’s how it started.”

She decided to access her local Household Support Fund last year when her dire financial situation spiralled out of control.

The Household Support Fund is a pot of cash made available to local councils, with the money being distributed to those struggling with bills or on a low income.

While she says she wouldn’t know where she would be without the lifeline, uncertainty surrounding its future left many Brits fearful recently with the fund set to expire on September 30.

The major cost of living scheme has been extended five times since 2021 and there’s a possibility it could be extended once more – meaning millions of households could be entitled to one-off payments or vouchers this winter.

Wendy, who previously owned a café, says the thought of losing the vital source of income terrifies her. “I’ve only accessed it a few times,” she said.

“They send out food vouchers for food banks, it’s around £10, it doesn’t sound like a great deal but the amount of food you can get is quite a lot. They’re a great help.

“You can also get £20 a week for gas and electricity. When you need that, and you’ve got nothing, it’s an essential lifeline.”

Though she recognises some people might abuse the system, she always makes sure to only access the service when she has no other option.

“I heard it might be going, and I won’t lie, it worried me,” she added. “It’s not having something to fall back on if you need it.

How to apply for the Household Support Fund

To get the help, you’ll need to look it up with your council because local authorities are the ones responsible for distributing the funding.

To find your local council, use the gov.uk council finder tool.

Once you’ve identified your local council, there should be information on how to apply for the funding online.

Every council has a separate application process, meaning specific details regarding how to apply depend on whereabouts you live.

The eligibility requirements to access the fund might vary in addition so it’s best to check with your local council for further details.

Some councils won’t need you to apply for help and will get in touch instead if you qualify.

If you can’t find any information on your council’s website, it’ s a good idea to call them and ask for further information.

“It can be a struggle, it really can. Through no fault of our own is the cost of living going up. I don’t work; I receive benefits.

“I would be devastated to see it go to be honest.

“We don’t want to be having to use these services. I’ve worked all my life from being 15. I’ve had my own businesses. This is a situation I never thought I’d be in.

“I try not to use it too much; we do the best we can. I understand it’s a limited fund. I know a lot of people who abuse the system, but I don’t want to be that person. There will be people out there who need it more that week than I do.”

The most typical form of help from The Household Support Fund is usually one-off payments or energy and supermarket vouchers.

The service was set to end on September 30 – but reports from The Financial Times and BBC suggest the Treasury could extend it once again.

The Household Support Fund was introduced at the peak of the cost of living crisis in October 2021 with initial funding of £500million.

She also has access to not-for-profit online lending company Fair for You. The organisation was set up to provide finance to families who do not have access to mainstream credit so they can purchase goods for their home directly from manufacturers.

The gran has used the service for food shopping and buying white goods.

What energy bill help is available?

THERE'S a number of different ways to get help paying your energy bills if you're struggling to get by.

If you fall into debt, you can always approach your supplier to see if they can put you on a repayment plan before putting you on a prepayment meter.

This involves paying off what you owe in instalments over a set period.

If your supplier offers you a repayment plan you don’t think you can afford, speak to them again to see if you can negotiate a better deal.

Several energy firms have grant schemes available to customers struggling to cover their bills.

But eligibility criteria varies depending on the supplier and the amount you can get depends on your financial circumstances.

For example, British Gas or Scottish Gas customers struggling to pay their energy bills can get grants worth up to £2,000.

British Gas also offers help via its British Gas Energy Trust and Individuals Family Fund.

You don’t need to be a British Gas customer to apply for the second fund.

EDF, E.ON, Octopus Energy and Scottish Power all offer grants to struggling customers too.

Thousands of vulnerable households are missing out on extra help and protections by not signing up to the Priority Services Register (PSR).

The service helps support vulnerable households, such as those who are elderly or ill, and some of the perks include being given advance warning of blackouts, free gas safety checks and extra support if you’re struggling.

Get in touch with your energy firm to see if you can apply.

Despite the much-needed help, she says she is struggling to pay off the £5,000 she owes to her gas and electricity company and is expecting a visit from debt collectors in the coming days.

“I’m still struggling with debt and I’m due a doorstep visit,” she added. “It’s just running into a bit of a mess.”

The gran says her upsetting predicament has even seen her go without food for days – but adding she hates having empty cupboards when her grandchildren come to visit.

“I can go without food for a few days. I don’t recognise hunger. That’s what I do when there just isn’t enough.

“One of my sons came and opened the fridge and said, ‘It’s empty, your cupboards are empty,’ I had the basics like milk and margarine. My cupboards might have a couple of tins in.

“I don’t have any treats for my grandson or grandkids. That’s when Fair For You came in, I could go and treat them. It’s a hug in your purse; that comfort feeling knowing you’ve got that support.

“You used to have to rummage through my cupboards to find stuff. Now, I’m finding that’s not the case anymore.”

A government spokesperson said: “This government will tackle the scar of poverty by making sure work pays and improving support to help people into good work.

“More details on the Household Support Fund will be set out in due course.”

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

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