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Diamondbacks show no mercy for Dodgers rookie starter Justin Wrobleski

PHOENIX – The first two games of this series were action-packed, both sides trading punches with the Dodgers taking close decisions each night.

Sunday was an early-round knockout.

The Arizona Diamondbacks battered rookie left-hander Justin Wrobleski for eight runs in the second inning Sunday afternoon, bouncing back from losses in the first two games of this showdown series to clobber the Dodgers 14-3.

The loss cut the Dodgers’ lead in the National League West to five games over both the Diamondbacks and San Diego Padres.

“We got put into a tough spot today,” Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said. “Then you’re just trying to find a way to salvage pitching. Obviously the bullpen specifically.

“I think the positive is we’re back to full strength for tomorrow with a chance to win the series.”

There was no other competition for a positive the Dodgers could take out of this game.

Saturday’s game started with Shohei Ohtani, Mookie Betts and Freddie Freeman hitting back-to-back-to-back home runs, the first time in franchise history the Dodgers started a game with three consecutive home runs.

Those same three hitters struck out consecutively in the third inning Sunday and Dodgers manager Dave Roberts quickly raised the white flag, pulling Betts, Freeman and Teoscar Hernandez from the game in the bottom of the third inning.

No cavalry came to save Wrobleski. He threw 41 pitches to 11 batters in that second inning, giving up seven hits – four singles, two doubles and a three-run home run by Randal Grichuk.

And he stuck around for more.

Called up to make a spot start so the Dodgers starters wouldn’t have to go on ‘regular’ rest (four days off between starts), Wrobleski stayed in to absorb the blows for a bullpen that pitched 23 1/3 innings in the previous five games.

“It’s not ideal. It’s kind of where we’re at,” Roberts said. “Typically I’m sensitive to guys’ performance and not staying out there and essentially wearing it. But where we’re at, in a playoff race, giving ourselves the best chance to win games going forward, it was the only option. To Justin’s credit, he hung in there and got us into the sixth inning.”

Roberts sent Wrobleski back out for the third, fourth, fifth and sixth innings, letting the rookie throw a career-high (for his six big-league starts) 99 pitches. A Dodgers starter hasn’t thrown more since Jack Flaherty threw 110 against the Pittsburgh Pirates on August 9.

Asked if it was the longest 5 ⅓ innings of his life, Wrobleski sighed.

“Yeah, I would say so,” he said.

“I guess that’s where you show people what you’re made of. Grit your teeth and try to get through as many as you can. … It sucks. Again, it’s part of being a starting pitcher. It’s part of pitching in this league. It’s a hard league to pitch in obviously.”

Things did get better for Wrobleski. He gave up a solo home run to Eugenio Suarez leading off the third inning and then another run in the sixth before the longest day of his life finally ended when Roberts pulled him with one out in the sixth.

His career ERA went from 4.68 to 6.82 in the span of about two hours.

“I don’t know the reason why. But that is the reason why he’s not having success,” Roberts said of Wrobleski pitching from behind in counts too frequently. “There’s a lot of bad throws, bad misfires. There’s just no command. Getting behind hitters. And that’s just the bottom line.

“He couldn’t get ahead of anyone (in the second inning). And then the fastball was, you know, either a ball or it was not located. He couldn’t land the curveball. Got some swing-and-miss with the slider. But just for the most part, he couldn’t put the baseball where he needed to.”

Wrobleski acknowledged the problem and said it was all “part of the learning process” in making the jump to the big leagues.

“I think more so it’s needing to be aggressive. Typically that’s not a problem for me and it hasn’t been until these past two or three starts I’ve made,” he said. “Just gotta keep working and I guess go out there and be myself. I think the past couple it’s trying to be someone I’m not. I’ve got to go out there and be me.”

He will work on that back at Triple-A Oklahoma City. The Dodgers are expected to make another roster move Monday to bring a fresh arm up from the minors.

Austin Barnes had a three-hit game and Tommy Edman had two hits, making the most of their at-bats in the loss. Gavin Lux was on base three times (two walks and a double).

Ohtani went 0 for 4 with three strikeouts, moving no closer to a historic 50-50 season. He has 44 home runs and 43 stolen bases.

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