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The Collapse of International Socialism: Ortega Slams Petro and Lula as Lackeys Over Venezuela’s Election Dispute

On Monday, Nicaragua’s leader attacked Brazil’s Lula and Colombia’s Petro for their controversial stances on the Venezuelan elections, accusing them of being “groveling governments” for not recognizing Maduro’s victory and instead advocating for a democratic political agreement to establish peace in Venezuela.

In response, Petro replied to Daniel Ortega on the social platform ‘X’ with: “At least I don’t drag down human rights.”

Ortega expressed on Monday that Gustavo Petro of Colombia and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil, who are seeking to negotiate between the opposition and Maduro in Venezuela, are “groveling governments” for not acknowledging Maduro’s victory and pushing for a new presidential election under better conditions.

Lula and Petro have both suggested that a new presidential election be held in Venezuela under improved circumstances. They have pressured Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, who claimed victory in last month’s elections amidst allegations of fraud, to negotiate a resolution to the ongoing crisis.

Since their candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, won the presidential elections on July 28, the Venezuelan opposition has been pressuring Maduro’s regime for a democratic transition of power, focusing on internal pressure through mass protests and international pressure to force Maduro into negotiations.

However, Maduro has shown little inclination to yield, demonstrating in recent weeks that he can suppress protests and rely on authoritarian allies to evade international pressure.

Petro’s proposal, which includes incentives for Maduro such as the lifting of sanctions on Venezuela, appears to have a better chance of bringing Maduro’s regime to the negotiating table. Lula mentioned that holding new elections could be one of two possible alternatives to address the current situation; the other being a coalition government. He also explained that his relationship with Maduro has «deteriorated» due to the political situation in Venezuela.

Maduro’s current strategy relies on maintaining repression long enough to create disillusionment among the population, while hoping that international attention shifts to other issues. Holding another round of elections could ensure that his regime remains under international scrutiny.

Both the regime and the opposition have rejected Lula and Petro’s proposal to call new elections. However, one action that will certainly not lead to any progress is to do nothing.

«Nicolás Maduro holds the key to a political solution for Venezuela that would bring peace and prosperity to its people,» Gustavo Petro shared on ‘X’.

In other words, the most feasible option might be the one that is actually implemented. If Lula and Petro can persuade both Maduro’s regime and the Venezuelan opposition to hold new elections, it could potentially lead to a better outcome for Venezuela than the alternative: allowing Maduro to remain in power without facing challenges.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) stated that he will «not speak with his counterparts from Brazil and Colombia for now» while awaiting a decision on the elections.

Opposition leader María Corina Machado remarked, «The result of the elections is non-negotiable; popular sovereignty is non-negotiable. How could anyone think about holding a new election? We had one here under the regime, with an unequal campaign, with their machines, their counting. We won under their rules, and the world knows we won.»

Original by Flor Elena Robledo.

María Herrera Mellado es una abogada en EE.UU. y España y Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas. Completó sus estudios de grado y posgrado en EE.UU. y Europa. Profesional distinguida, la Dra. Herrera es conocida por su amplia experiencia en políticas públicas, asuntos legales y relaciones internacionales. Su reconocimiento proviene de sus contribuciones a diversas organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, centradas en temas como la integridad electoral, los derechos humanos y la gobernanza democrática. María ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en la defensa de la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en los procesos políticos, y sus esfuerzos han sido instrumentales para impulsar reformas y fomentar el desarrollo sostenible en varias regiones. Su formación académica y experiencias profesionales la convierten en una voz respetada en el debate sobre los desafíos políticos y legales contemporáneos.

The post The Collapse of International Socialism: Ortega Slams Petro and Lula as Lackeys Over Venezuela’s Election Dispute appeared first on Gateway Hispanic.

The post The Collapse of International Socialism: Ortega Slams Petro and Lula as Lackeys Over Venezuela’s Election Dispute appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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