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Tiny seaside town with ‘world’s oldest pier train’ and 134-year-old Venice-style festival

A SMALL town with views of France claims to have a record-breaking train line – as well as an unusual festival.

The small town of Hythe is just down from Folkestone, which is often named one of the up-and-coming seaside destinations.

A small town is home to some record-breaking attractions[/caption]
Hythe is often overlooked by the nearby Folkestone[/caption]
It is home to the oldest, continuously running pier train in the world[/caption]

On the edge of Romney Marsh, the market town has a huge Victorian promenade running along the shingle beach.

Last year, it was named the cheapest seaside town for a UK staycation, according to Independent Cottagesm due to affordable rentals, fish and chips and ice cream.

One of the towns main attractions is the Hythe Pier railway, the oldest of its kind in the world.

It is the oldest, continuously operating public pier train which has been running since 1909.

It is also famous for the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway, with small train carriages running a small route via Dungeness.

There are even themed events, including Bluey trips and a Santa Special at Hythe Station.

Every two years, the town also welcomes a rather unusual Venetian Fete.

It takes place along the Royal Military Canal that runs through town, which was created as a defence system by Napoleon in the 1800s.

Having been running since 1892, the one-day event fills the canal with huge decorated floats and live music.

Sadly, if you fancied seeing it for yourself, you will have to wait until 2026 as the recent festival took place this month.

A large part of Hythe is the Sene Valley Golf Club, or you can pop in to St Leonard’s Church with one of the largest collection of human skulls in the UK.

There are lots of places to choose from to stay, with Hythe Imperial Hotel being one of the most popular with views of the English Channel.

Otherwise there is also The Swan Hotel and Castle Hotel and Oyo along with B&Bs.

The best way to get to Hythe is by train to Folkestone, taking less than an hour from London.

A military canal runs through the centre of Hythe[/caption]
The Venetian festival runs every two years – with the next one in 2026[/caption]
Make sure to grab the vintage train too[/caption]

From there, you can get a short bus or taxi to the town, or rent a bike in the summer months.

Otherwise the nearer station is Sandling, which isn’t on the high speed line and is a five minute drive to Hythe.

Fancy going further afield? You can catch the Hythe Ferry to Southampton.

In the mean time, we’ve done a deep dive into the town of Folkestone after chatting to the locals.

My day out in Dungeness - once 'Britain's only desert'

Amy Nicholson reveals what it’s like to visit Dungeness by train from Hythe.

There are many reasons to visit Dungeness. Not only is it a nature reserve, great for diverse wildlife and bird watching, it’s also one of the largest expanses of shingle in Europe.

It’s also home to two famous lighthouses – the operational lighthouse and the Old Lighthouse, which is now a tourist attraction. For the Old Lighthouse, you need to check which days it’s open, but you can go up and take in the views from top.

You can also enjoy the unique landscape of Dungeness by train, using the famous Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway. The train runs for 13.5 miles from Hythe to Dungeness and stops at the ‘End of the Line Restaurant’, which is very cute.

One more thing to look out for in Dungeness is Prospect Cottage, which was famously owned by the late filmmaker and artist Derek Jarman. The cottage is very striking and the garden absolutely stunning. Lines from John Donne’s poem, The Sun Rising, are inscribed on the side of the cottage.

This includes the best restaurants and bar as well as attractions and where to stay.

Here are some other underrated places in the southeast of England, according to Sun readers.

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