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Эксперт Президентской академии Анна Волкова рассказала о модернизации рынка труда

В 2024 году россияне установили новый рекорд по числу поездок внутри страны

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‘The money came right back to me’: Customer delivers her own DoorDash after no one picked up her Papa Johns order

When no delivery drivers picked up her DoorDash order, this woman took things into her own hands. She logged into her Dasher account and picked up her Papa Johns herself.

Shalom (@lom.simply) posted a viral TikTok that accrued over 2 million views. In her clip, she delineates the whole self-Dashing process.

It seems that she isn't the only person who's placed an order on the app only to be left high and dry. The Daily Dot previously reported on another DoorDash customer who had a driver assigned to her order. The woman ended up driving to the restaurant to pick up her own food, only to come into contact with the Dasher. This led to a tense situation with the DoorDash customer asking the app for a refund for her tip.

Thankfully, Shalom was happy with the service she ended up giving herself, however.

Can you deliver your own DoorDash order?

Shalom begins her video looking into the camera holding a pair of keys. "Pov: When DoorDash took too long to assign a driver for my order, so I logged into my Dasher account to pick up my own order," she wrote in the text overlay.

Her clip then transitions to a screenshot of her DoorDash driver's app screen. "Me accepting my order on the Dasher app," another overlay reads.

According to the app, Shalom would make $11.75/active hr + tips for picking up the order from Papa Johns. Of course, she's the one paying for the order, too.

Next, her video then transitions to another screenshot. "This is in the DoorDash app showing that I've received a driver for my order," she pens. Sure enough, it reads that a Dasher named Shalom is on their way to getting her Papa Johns order.

The TikToker's clip then cuts to her picking up her order from the pizza chain, followed by a cut to her seated in her car. She smiles into the camera beneath an overlay that reads: "Me delivering my order to myself."

In another portion of the video, Shalom shows herself appending a $2 gratuity to her order.

"Me giving myself a little tip," she writes, followed by a laughing emoji. Next, she needs to confirm whether or not the order was delivered. The "Confirm you handed order directly to customer," dialog screen pops up in her video.

Then, the TikToker gives herself a "splendid" 5-star rating for the job well done. Additionally, she checks off all the qualifiers highlighting the stellar service she provided for herself.

Shalom then pulls her car into her garage and sits down at her table to watch something on her laptop and enjoy her meal.

But... the DoorDash fee?

One commenter who viewed her clip didn't understand why she would pay money for a DoorDash fee just to get her own grub. "So you paid door dash a fee to pick up your own food," they asked.

One user in the comments section, however, defended Shalom's video. "She clearly was trying to stay home but she already paid for it why not go get it and make some of her $$ back."

But folks still didn't understand why she would pay more money for a food order. "She would have spent less money just ordering pick up," one said.

Another wrote, "The amount they got payed is like 3-4x less than what they payed."

There was another user on the app who argued that under certain circumstances, delivering your own DoorDash is beneficial—thanks to a promotion in their area they were able to get a decent payout along with their fast food. "When DoorDash started in a small town next to me they had a promo for $200 to do 5 rides, I ordered 5x from McDonald’s and picked them up myself and got the promo money," they said.

@lom.simply I was hungry and needed that money ???? #fypage #viral #naijatiktok #nigeriantiktok #relatable #funny ♬ original sound - Bionation

Is it ever a good idea?

As several users in the comments of Shalom's video said, ordering food via the DoorDash application might not be the most economical solution.

Oftentimes, restaurants will apply a "DoorDash Fee" to items in the app. This renders products selected in the DoorDash app higher than what is charged in store. So not only are customers covering the cost of DoorDash's fee, but they're paying a premium on their orders.

However, there could be instances where picking up and delivering your own meal via DoorDash is beneficial.

Like the aforementioned TikToker said, taking advantage of any local cash bonus promotions could work in your favor. Using DoorDash credits in your account and there's no one else to deliver your food. Maybe you want to also boost your Dasher order completion rate or driver ranking. Giving yourself 5 stars, like Shalom did, could improve your status on the app.

The Daily Dot has reached out to DoorDash via email and Shalom via Instagram DM for further information.

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The post ‘The money came right back to me’: Customer delivers her own DoorDash after no one picked up her Papa Johns order appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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