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I haven't owned a car my entire adult life. It saves me a lot of money, and I feel connected to my city.

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The author, Aleenah Ansari.
  • I didn't need a car in college, and I got used to taking the bus, which has been a great choice.
  • I don't have to pay for car insurance or an auto loan, which means I have more money to spend elsewhere.
  • When I absolutely need access to a car, my partner has one, but I'm glad to go without for now.

Living in a city where I have access to relatively reliable public transportation has been a privilege. Not owning a car has allowed me to use the money I've saved for investments, travel, and my mortgage.

A car didn't make sense in college

I went to college in Seattle — I didn't have the funds to spend on a designated parking spot, and I could easily get around by bus. I also lived close to campus, so I could easily trek to my on-campus jobs as a journalist, course assistant, and writing tutor, and my friends were only a few minutes walk away.

This continued to make sense for me even after I started my first full-time job. The company I worked at was one city over, but there was a reliable bus route nearby that I could use to get to and from work. And once I got to campus, there were shuttles I could use to get around.

I never feel limited by the bus

As a result, public transportation has become a part of the fabric of my life, and even more routes have been built over time to connect my hometown, the city I live in, and beyond. I love the autonomy that comes with getting around on my own, and although I am often beholden to bus schedules, I never feel limited in my options.

As long as there's a bus (or a few), I can go wherever I find adventure. Not having a car means I don't have to worry about having bills for car payments, gas, parking, and car insurance, not to mention regular and surprise maintenance costs.

Despite the cost savings, there are still trade-offs. I spend a lot of time planning out my bus routes, especially to nearby cities. I often find myself waiting in the rain for a transfer. I also usually keep grocery trips small so that I have a manageable load for getting around.

I feel more connected to my neighborhood

In addition to saving money, riding the bus has become a ritual for me. I see the bus ride as my third place, somewhere I can spend time doing things that make me happy. Usually, this involves reading, writing my next story or newsletter, or answering the unread messages and emails on my phone.

Learning the bus routes has also helped me explore neighborhoods in Seattle. Every time the bus wound through the streets, I discovered new businesses and created a new mental map. I'm also lucky to have friends who are usually willing to drive me home after we spend time together.

I recently met up with a friend to walk her dog in a nearby park. On the way back to the car, she was quick to ask, "Where are you going next, and how can I help you get there?" Having this help from loved ones helps me experience things with others and on my own without feeling limited. And if I ever need a car ride, an occasional Uber ride is much cheaper than owning a car on my own.

It also helps that my partner of five-plus years has a car, which we can use for trips that require cars, including grocery store and Target runs, road trips to Portland and Vancouver, and days when we need to be able to get around on our own time. And with only one parking spot at my home, it's one less thing to worry about.

This article was originally published in February 2024.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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